(A) The Town Council utilizes the agenda to provide an outline of the order of business for the meeting. The Town Council maintains the right to add or amend items from the agenda as necessary. The agenda will be posted at the Town Clerk-Treasurer and Utility Clerk’s office door and on both doors of the Town Hall Building. Copies of the agenda shall be made readily available to the public during office hours at the Town Clerk-Treasurer’s office. Notice of regular monthly meetings will be published in the local newspaper one time at the beginning of the year. Additional meetings (special, executive or public hearing) will be run in the newspaper no less than 48 hours prior to the day of the meeting.
(B) The agenda is set by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and the Town Council President seven days prior to the meeting. Each department is responsible to provide its Town Council representative with its monthly report by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Town Council meeting. The departments are not required to attend the meeting, and compensation will not be given for attendance unless their presence is required by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President. All request forms must be turned in by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Town Council meeting to be considered for payment. Late request forms will be held until the next monthly meeting.
(1) Call to order. The Town Council President will welcome Town Council members and public and announce the time and state that the meeting will begin. All cell phones are to be silenced at this time. The President will request that all stand to face the flag and recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
(2) Roll call and determination of a quorum. The Town Clerk-Treasurer will then call the roll to determine if a quorum is present and to identify the members of the Town Council, the Town Attorney and the Town Marshal, who also functions as Sergeant-at-Arms during the meeting. A quorum for the Town Council is a minimum of three of the five members present. If a quorum is present, the meeting will continue. If not, it will be determined if the absent member(s) will be present or not. If so, the President can request a ten-minute delay, after which the same procedure as if the absent member will not be in attendance will be followed. If there is no quorum, the meeting will be postponed until the following day. The Town Clerk-Treasurer shall keep his or her minutes in a correct record of attendance of the Council members at meetings of the Council and of all the motions/seconds and individual votes of said Council members.
(3) Acceptance of minutes. The President will ask if there is a motion to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. This requires a motion or a second and recorded voice vote.
(4) Claims. At this time, claims will be reviewed by the Council members. All claims for payment must be provided to the Town Clerk-Treasurer by the Thursday prior to the meeting to be considered for payment. Claims received after that time will be subject to the discretion of the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President. At this time, claims will be reviewed by the Council members. Claims can only be paid by the Town Clerk-Treasurer; no Council member or department head can authorize payment of any bills or make promises of payment.
(5) Public comments.
(a) The President will ask for the attendance sheet from which he or she will know if there is anyone from the public audience who wishes to speak or make a comment. The attendance sheet will have the date, name, address and yes/no checkmark to indicate intention to speak. Public comments are welcome and encouraged. The President will take public comments in the order listed. He or she will identify the individual then ask them to address the Council. No one may speak without the acknowledgment of the Council President. There is a two-minute time limit for the comment, unless there are specific questions from the Town Council for that individual on that specific topic, then one two-minute extension will be allowed for the answer. Personal attacks of a malicious nature will not be tolerated, and the President will order that person to cease or risk being removed by the Sergeant-at-Arms.
(b) The public shall have a reasonable right to participate in any matter being considered by the Town Council. They will be held to the same standards of conduct and decorum as the Town Council members and subject to the same limitations. The Council will make reasonable efforts to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and accommodate any other special needs of the public. Members of the public shall have the right to bring before the Council issues of public concern. This section does not apply to executive sessions of the Town Council held under I.C. 5-14-1.5, the State Open Door Law, as it is from time to time amended. Public comments will also be accepted prior to voting on any ordinances and/or resolutions subject to the same two-minute time limit and guidelines as for public comments.
(6) Unfinished business. Unfinished business, as determined by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President, is based on prior meetings. This would include changes in the ordinance, insurance or other pertinent matters that were not resolved at the previous meeting.
(7) Special business. Special business, as determined by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President, shall include reviewing candidates for open Council seats, discussion of wage changes and employee benefits, discussions of personnel and reading of ordinances. It shall also include anything that is out of the ordinary for general Council meetings.
(8) New business. New business, as determined by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President, shall include any last minute information or changes. Any items tabled or not acted upon shall remain on the regular meetings agenda or special meeting if called for that particular item.
(9) Approval of requests. Requests received by the Town Clerk-Treasurer by 12:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the meeting will be discussed and voted on at this time. Requests received after Thursday at 12:00 p.m. will be held until the following month’s meeting.
(10) Council reports. Each Council member will state the department he or she oversees and provide a report, to include new or vital information that he or she receives from his or her department head. All papers addressed to the Town Council shall be presented by the head of the department in advance. Pertinent information regarding the town or its citizens can be announced to the Town Council at this time, there is a two-minute time limit for each subject presented by a Council member.
(11) Department reports. Unless so ordered by the Town Clerk-Treasurer and/or Town Council President, the department heads, representatives or employees are not required to attend the meetings. There will be no compensation for those who attend without a request and/or approval by the Council President and/or Town Clerk. If a department does not have a Council member to oversee it, the department may give its written report directly to the Town Clerk-Treasurer by 12:00 pm. the Thursday prior to the meeting.
(Ord. 2-2017, passed 7-10-2017)