A.   Duty To Destroy, Cut Down, Weed Out And Obliterate; Notice: Every person, company or corporation residing or doing business within the corporate limits of the city who shall reside or conduct any business in or upon any lot, lots, lands or premises within the corporate limits of the city, either as owner, tenant, lessee, or merely as occupant of any such lots, lands or premises as well, and all persons, companies or corporations, whether resident or nonresident owner, or owners, of any lot, lands or premises within the corporate limits of the city shall, at all times and continuously, after being given ten (10) days' notice, during the time and dates hereinafter stated, destroy, cut down, weed out, and obliterate all such weeds and noxious weeds, grasses and growths growing or starting to grow on any such lots, lands or premises, as well as shall such person or persons, company or corporation during the time hereinafter stated, keep continuously cut down, weeded out, destroyed, and obliterated all such weeds and noxious weeds, grasses and growths from and off all that part or portion of said lots, lands, and premises which lie and are situated between the property line of such respective lots, lands or premises so owned, used or occupied by such person, persons, company or corporation, and to the centerline of all streets or alleys running or lying immediately adjacent or contiguous to such lots, lands or premises so owned, used or occupied by such person, persons, company or corporation. That portion of land or premises herein last referred to includes the sidewalk ground as well as the parking ground fronting, adjacent or contiguous to any such lots, lands, or premises.
   B.   Pasture Limits: All pastureland located within the city limits shall be pastured off or cut down to a height of three feet (3') or less measured from the ground to the tallest vegetation in the pasture. (Ord. 931, 7-9-2007)