Ord; No. Date Description
2775 5-5-64 No parking on west side of Lane St. between E. Mansfield St. and Woodlawn Ave.
2779 6-2-64 Repeals Ord. 2509 and permits left turns from S. Sandusky Ave. onto east and west Warren and Rensselaer Sts.
2780 6-2-64 Removal of 3 parking meters and no parking zone established on east side of N. Sandusky Ave. immediately south of Perry St.
2784 8-10-64 Erection of stop signs at intersections of Dudley, Songer, Emerson and Lawn Aves. on Maple St.
2785 8-10-64 Erection of stop sign at intersection of Plymouth St. on Beverly Dr.
2786 8-10-64 No parking on Highland Ave. from E. Mansfield St. to E. Rensselaer St.
2797 10-20-64 Short and Osman Sts. to be stop streets at respective intersections with Faustina Ave.
2798 10-20-64 Dudley, Milo and Monnett Sts. to be stop streets at intersections with Woodrow St., Elm St. and Bland Ave. respectively.
2800 11-3-64 Crawford St. at intersection with Perry St. to be stop street.
2801 11-3-64 Parallel parking only on both sides of W. Charles St. from S. Poplar St. and Kaler Ave. and on south side of W. Charles St. from Kaler to Ridge Aves.
2808 2-2-65 No parking south side of E. Irving St. for 200 ft. opposite Ryder Brass Foundry parking lot.
2809 2-2-65 4-way stop intersection at E. Warren St. and S. Highland Ave.
2811 3-2-65 Traffic signal lights at intersections of E. Mansfield and Whetstone Sts., and Plymouth and N. Lane Sts.
2827 7-6-65 No parking on south side of Blicke St. from Lane St. westward.
2840 11-2-65 Traffic light on E. Mansfield St. in vicinity of Fire House.
2850 12-2-65 No parking on west side of Wiley St. from Belle-Hoffman-Michal Home entrance 80 ft. south to Rensselaer St.
2-66 5-17-66 No parking on east side of Elm St. from Plymouth to E. Irving Sts; east side of Earl St. from Plymouth to Wilber St., and east side of Russell Ave. its entire length.
8-66 3-1-66 Traffic on Sears St. between W. Mansfield and W. Mary Sts. to be northerly and southerly as soon as improvements increase visibility at corner.
12-66 5-3-66 Following intersections to be stop streets; Center St. with Rogers St., Liberty St. with Rogers St., Park St. with Lucas St., Lucas St. with Jones St., Fairview St. with Lavina Ave., Sears St. with Hill St., Fairview St. with Melody Lane; Grace St. with Rensselaer St., Grace St. with Warren St., Dunn St. with Emerson St., Sheckler St. with Woodlawn Ave., and Hull St. with Kearsley St.
13-66 5-17-66 No parking on S. East St. from E. Rensselaer to E. Warren Sts.
16-66 5-17-66 Franklin Court and Franklin St. at intersection with Monnett St. to be stop street.
17-66 5-17-66 North-South alley between S. Poplar and S. Spring Sts. to be one-way south from W. Warren to W. Charles Sts.
21-66 6-20-66 15 minute parking only on west side of South Poplar from a point 20 ft. north of W. Warren St. to a point 60 ft. north of W. Warren St.
24-66 7-19-66 North-south alley west of S. Sandusky Ave. to be one-way south from Washington Square South to W. Warren St.
25-66 7-19-66 North-south alley east of S. Sandusky to be one-way south from Washington Square South to E. Charles St.
26-66 7-19-66 Zones of quiet established on Hill St. from N. Sandusky Ave. to Plants Way, on N. Sandusky Ave. from Hill St. to General Hydraulic's and Plants Way from Hill St. to General Hydraulics.
33-66 10-4-66 No parking on east side of N. Lane St. for distance of 164.2 ft. south from Plymouth St.
39-66 10-18-66 No parking on north side of E. Mansfield St. from Washington Square to Fisher St.
42-66 11-1-66 North-south alley west of N. Sandusky Ave. to be a one-way north from Washington Square North to W. Mary St.
43-66 11-1-66 No parking during school hours (8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) on west side of Jump St. from Ann St. a distance of 87.5 ft. south.
44-66 11-1-66 West side of Walnut St. from E. Mansfield St. to Penn. RR Co. designated a parking meter zone.
45-66 11-1-66 Removal of 4 parking meters on north side of E. Mansfield St., area previously declared no parking zone by Ord. 39-66.
47-66A 11-15-66 Removal of 8 parking meters on north side of E. Mansfield St., area previously declared no parking zone by Ord. 39-66.
49-66 4-18-67 Removal of 1 parking meter and no parking zone declared in one space of City parking lot; reserved for garbage removal and pick-up.
7-67 1-17-67 3-way electric traffic control device at intersection of Hopley and E. Southern Aves., and drives of H. & H. Food Market.
13-67 2-21-67 Martin Ave. at intersection with Ridge Ave. to be stop street.
16-67 3-7-67 Traffic exiting City Parking Lot No. 4 onto S. Sandusky Ave. must turn right.
17-67 3-7-67 15-minute parking only along north side of Wallace Ave. from Countryside Dairy garage west to S. Sandusky Ave.
28-67 5-16-67 No parking on north side of W. Oakwood Ave. from S. Poplar St. west to Kaler Ave.
31-67 6-6-67 No parking on either side of S. Walnut St. from Superior St. south to Beal Ave.
41-67 8-1-67 Removal of 2 meters to provide taxi stand on north side of E. Warren St. east of S. Sandusky Ave.
43-67 9-19-67 South Walnut St. at intersection with Beal Ave. to be stop street.
56-67 11-21-67 15 minute parking on S. Poplar St. from W. Charles St. north 100 ft.
61-67 12-19-67 15 minute parking on N. Lane St. from Norton Way to the first alley in the vicinity of the Kime Lumber Co.
62-67 12-19-67 No parking on south side of East Southern Ave. from Marion Rd. east to Whetstone St.
15-68 3-19-68 N-S alley east of N. Sandusky Ave. from Washington Square to E. Galen St., one-way thoroughfare north.
17-68 4-2-68 Sherman St. to be 20 miles per hour travel zone.
21-68 5-7-68 No parking on north side of Beal Ave. from S. Sandusky Ave. west to Marion Rd.
22-68 5-7-68 Stop streets designated: Cleland St. at its intersection with Earl, High and Sherman Sts.; Wilber St. at its intersection with Earl St., High St. at its intersection with Wilber St.; Sherman St. at its intersection with Wilber St.; Dudley St. at its intersection with Dunn St.
29-68 7-2-68 Stop streets designated: Melody Dr. at its intersection with Sunset Dr. and Melody Lane; Fairview Ave. at its intersection with Sunset Dr.; Linwood Dr. at its intersection with Sunset Dr., Beal Ave. and Melody Lane; Melody Lane at its intersection with Rosedale Dr.; Lavina Ave. at its intersection with Rosedale Dr.; Rosedale Dr. at its intersection with Victoria Dr.; Martha Ave. at its intersection with Victoria Dr. and Lavina Ave.; Mary Ann Lane at its intersection with Martha Ave.; Pleasant Lane at its intersection with Orchard Lane; Highland Ave. at its intersection with E. Southern Ave. and Woodlawn Ave.; Union Ave. at its intersection with E. Southern Ave.; Kearsley St. at its intersection with E. Warren St.
31-68 7-16-68 15 minute parking on south side of W. Mansfield St. from 78 feet west of curb line of S. Poplar St. east for 44 feet.
32-68 7-16-68 Yield streets designated: Dudley St. at its intersection with High St.; Emerson St. at its intersection with Woodrow Ave.; Lawn Ave. at its intersection with Woodrow Ave.; Dunn St. at its intersection with Lawn Ave.
33-68 7-16-68 No parking on west side of Kaler Ave. from Martin Ave. to Wise St.; no parking on east side of Kaler Ave. from Wise St. to Southern Ave.
41-68 8-20-68 No parking on south side of Bland Ave. from first alley running north and southwest of N. Sandusky Ave. East to N. Sandusky Ave.
42-68 8-20-68 Stop streets designated: Failor St. at its intersection with E. Warren St.; Cullen St. at its intersection with Whetstone St.
48-68 11-19-68 No parking on north side of Hull Ave. from Failor St.
49-68 11-19-68 Establishes taxicab stand at the east end of the west island of Washington Sq. along Sandusky Ave.
4-69 1-21-69 No parking on the north side of Woodlawn Ave. from the east edge of the crosswalk at its intersection with Lane St. to a point 50 ft. to the east.
14-69 3-18-69 Two-way stop on Charlotte St. at its intersection with the Norfolk and Western RR; stop on east end of Beal Ave. at its intersection with such RR.
21-69 5-6-69 Marion Rd. to be 45 miles per hour travel zone from Beal Ave. south to the City limits.
22-69 5-6-69 Liberty St. from S. Sandusky Ave. to Rogers St., one-way thoroughfare east; Liberty St. from S. Sandusky Ave. to Kaler Ave., one-way thoroughfare west.
25-69 6-3-69 Repeals Ord. 7-67; installation of traffic control blinker device at Hopley and E. Southern Aves.
26-69 6-3-69 Amends Ord. 22-68; Cleland St. a stop street at its intersection with High, Earl and Sherman St.; Wilber St. a stop street at its intersection with Earl and Sherman Sts.; High St. at its intersection with Wilber St. a stop street; Dudley St. a stop street at its intersection with Dunn St.
30-69 7-2-69 No parking on north side of Gauis St.
33-69 7-2-69 No parking on alley running from Bucyrus Ice Co. plant to N. Lane St.
35-69 8-5-69 No parking on north side of Mary St. from Lane St. to W. Mansfield St.; no parking on the south side of Mary St. from the alley in the 100 block west to the W. Mary St. bridge.
36-69 8-5-69 No parking on north side of River and Perry Sts. from N. Sandusky Ave. to the west corporation line; no parking on the south side of Perry St. from a point 135 ft. east of Tiffin St. to James St.; no parking on the south side of Perry St. from Crawford St. to the west corporation line.
37-69 8-5-69 No parking on north side of Hill St. from N. Sandusky Ave. west to Myers St.
38-69 8-5-69 No parking on east side of Jump St. from W. Mary St. to Hill St.
39-69 8-5-69 No parking on east side of James St. from W. Mary St. to Perry St.; no parking on Sears St. in the 100 and 200 block; no parking on Crawford St. throughout its entire length.
46-69 9-2-69 Stop on Penn Ave. at its intersection with Auto Ave.; stop on Wayne Ave. at its intersection with Auto Ave.
47-69 9-2-69 No parking on east side of Grove Ave. from W. Oakwood St. south to the first E-W alley.
57-69 10-7-69 No parking on south side of W. Perry St. from Crawford St. easterly for 300 ft.
5-70 1-20-70 15 minute parking on south side of W. Mary St. in front of Sam's Cycle Shop and Whittaker Battery and Ignition Shop.
18-70 5-19-70 No parking: east side of Prospect St. from Oakwood to Hopley Aves.; north side of Irving St. from N. Sandusky to Plymouth St.
26-70 8-4-70 15 minute only parking along east side of S. Spring St. on front of Light's Market from a point 96 ft. from intersection of Charles and Spring Sts. north 50 feet.
29-70 9-15-70 Stop streets designated: Mary Ann at its intersection with Victoria St.; Victoria St. at its intersection with Lavina St.
8-71 2-2-71 Stop streets designated: Howard St. at its intersection with Jump St.; Link Dr. at its intersection with Hill St.
10-71 2-2-71 No parking on south side of E. Mansfield St. from west side of Fisher St. intersection 72 ft. west.
29-71 5-18-71 No parking along north side of W. Charles St. in 200 and 300 blocks nor along south side in 100 block.
43-71 9-1-71 Loading zone designated along west side of N. Poplar St. opposite the Arthur-Louis Produce Co. extending from south curb line of the alley leading west off the 100 block south a distance of 58 ft.
49-71 10-5-71 No parking on south side of alley running west off Hall St. from Hall St. to railroad grade crossing.
50-71 10-19-71 No parking on south side of Ann St. between Sears and Myers Sts.
59-71 12-21-71 No parking on east side of East St. between Woodlawn and Hopley Aves.
7-72 2-15-72 Electric traffic control device at intersection of N. Sandusky Ave. and Galion Iron Works Dr.; 10-foot wide right turn lane on N. Sandusky Ave. for Galion Iron Works.
15-72 3-7-72 No parking on east side of N. Sandusky Ave. from 150 ft. south of Galion Iron Works driveway to the driveway.
35-72 8-1-72 No stopping, no standing zone on west side of Kaler Ave. in front of Norton Elementary School between Martin Ave. and Gay St.
42-72 9-19-72 Three-way stop at intersection of West Irving and Tiffin Sts.
5-73 2-6-73 Four-way stop at intersection of Highland and Woodlawn Aves. near Crawford Elementary School.
16-73 3-6-73 Repeals Ord. 16-67. All traffic into City Parking Lot No. 4 shall enter from South Sandusky Ave. only and exit onto West Charles St. only.
30-73 6-5-73 No parking between signs on east side of South East St, opposite Carlisle Elementary School.
50-73 9-18-73 Amends Ord. 30-73 to provide for no parking between signs on east side of South East St. opposite Carlisle Elementary School only on regularly scheduled school days between one hour before school convenes and one hour after dismissal, rather than all the time.
55-73 10-16-73 Full-time operation of electric traffic control device at intersection of North Lane and East Mary St.
6-74 1-15-74 No parking on south side of East Mansfield St. from 100 ft. west of westernmost railroad overpass for 600 ft. eastwardly in vicinity of East Mary St. extension. Ten-foot wide right turn lane on East Mansfield St. for westbound traffic desiring to turn right onto East Mary St. and granting motorists privilege of turning right on red with caution.
8-74 2-19-74 Parking of all vehicles is prohibited on Sandusky Ave. from intersection of Charles St. north to intersection of Perry St., and on Mansfield St. from the intersection of Lane St. west to intersection of Poplar St. including Washington Square, between 3:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m.
18-74 3-19-74 Flashing school crossing electric traffic control devices when school is being taken up and dismissed near Junior High School along Hopely Ave.
26-74 5-7-74 30 minute parking only on north side of East Center St. 98 ft. east of east curb of South Sandusky Ave. and north curb of East Center St. easterly 89 ft. to west line of a N-S alley paralleling South Sandusky Ave.
33-74 6-4-74 35 mph on Marion Rd. from Beal Ave. south to City limits.
34-74 5-4-74 Rosedale Ave. at intersection with Sunset Dr. shall be a stop street.
37-74 5-4-74 No parking along both sides of Whetstone St. from Penn Central RR grade crossing south to Hopely Ave.
56-74 8-6-74 No parking on east side of South Spring St. from West Mansfield St. south to West Rensselaer St.
58-74 8-6-74 15 minute parking only on east side of South Spring St. from 20 ft. north of north curb line of West Rensselaer St. where it intersects the east curb line of South Spring St., northerly 103 ft.
65-74 9-17-74 Stop streets: Colonial Dr. at Beal Ave.; Adams Dr. at Beal Ave.
15-75 3-18-75 West side of Plants Way from its intersection with south line of Hill St. south 212 ft. shall be "No parking between signs" zone; east side of Plants Way from north end of Bucyrus Community Hospital emergency entrance north 34 ft. and south of hospital entrance 16 ft. shall be "No parking between signs" zone for vehicular traffic.
22-75 4-1-75 Rose Ct. at intersection with Beverly Dr. shall be a stop street. Woodale Dr. at intersection with Beverly Dr. shall be a stop street. Cleveland St. at Beverly Dr. shall be a stop street. Wilbur St. at intersection with Beverly Dr. shall be a stop street.
23-75 5-6-75 No entry into intersection of North Lane and Plymouth St. against a steady red electric traffic signal by vehicles headed in an easterly direction along Plymouth St.
No entry into intersection of Hopley Ave., South East St. and East Lucas St. against a steady red electric traffic signal shall be permitted at any time by vehicles using any of those streets and approaching the intersection from any direction.
No entry into the intersection of Marion Rd. and West Southern Ave. against a steady red electric traffic signal at any time by vehicles headed in a westerly direction along West Southern Ave.
34-75 5-6-75 No parking of motor vehicles on east side of North Sandusky Ave. from Perry St. north to Plymouth St.
53-75 11-4-75 There shall be two driving lanes and one left turn only lane along Sandusky Ave. from Charles St. north to south edge of Mansfield St. and north edge of Mansfield St. north to Perry St.;
Single northbound and southbound lanes plus one right turn-through lane and one left turn-through lane from Perry St. along North Sandusky Ave. to Gaius St.;
Single northbound and southbound lanes plus one right turn only lane and one left turn only lane on Washington Square along Sandusky Ave. between south and north edges of Mansfield St.;
One westbound lane, one left turn only lane and one combination right turn-westbound lane from west edge of North Wall St. west to center line of North Sandusky Ave. on Washington Square along East Mansfield St.;
One westbound lane, one left turn only lane and one right turn only lane from center line of North Sandusky Ave. west to west lane of North Broadway on Washington Square along Mansfield St.;
One eastbound lane, one left turn only lane and one combination right turn-east bound lane from west edge of South Broadway east to center line of South Sandusky Ave. on Washington Square along West Mansfield St.;
One eastbound lane, one right turn only lane and one left turn only lane from center line of South Sandusky Ave. to east line of South Wall St. along East Mansfield St. on Washington Square;
Single northbound and southbound lanes and one left turn only lane along Marion Rd. from center line of South Sandusky Ave. south to City limits;
Single eastbound and westbound lanes of travel plus one right turn only lane westbound onto the East Mary St. extension or bypass along East Mansfield St. immediately east of the railroad;
One combination westbound-left turn lane, one combination eastbound right turn lane and one combination right turn-westbound lane, from intersection of East Charles St. with South Walnut St. west along the former to the center line of South Sandusky Ave.;
One combination eastbound-right turn lane, one combination eastbound left turn lane and one combination westbound-right turn lane along West Charles St. from its intersection with South Poplar St. east to center line of South Sandusky Ave.;
Single eastbound and westbound lanes and one right turn only lane along Hopley Ave. from east side of the railroad grade crossing east to Washington St.;
Single northbound and southbound lanes and one right turn only lane, along South Highland Ave. from intersection with East Rensselaer St. south to Warren St.
56-75 11-4-75 An electric traffic signal at intersection of North Sandusky Ave. and the Galion Iron Works drive removed; traffic signal placed at intersection of Hopley Ave. and Whetstone Street.
57-75 11-5-75 Flow of traffic at intersection of Hopley Ave. and Whetstone St. shall be controlled by a traffic signal light.
66-75 11-18-75 No parking of motor vehicles on west side of Kaler Ave. from Oakwood Ave. south to Southern Ave.
70-75 12-2-75 35 mph on Mary St. extension from North Lane St. southeast to East Mansfield St.
76-75 12-16-75 One westbound left turn only lane and two driving lanes on East Mansfield St. in vicinity of its intersection with Whetstone St.; vehicles in eastbound driving lane on East Mansfield St. are prohibited from making a right turn onto Whetstone St. on a red signal after stopping;
Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane along North Sandusky Ave. in vicinity of its intersection with Irving St.;
Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane on North Walnut St. in vicinity of its intersection with East Mansfield St.;
Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane on South Walnut St. in vicinity of its intersection with East Rensselaer St.;
Two driving lanes and one southbound left turn only lane on South Walnut St. at north entrance to its intersection with East Charles St.;
Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane on South Walnut St. from its intersection with East Charles St. south to its intersection with Woodlawn Ave.;
Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane on Plymouth St. in vicinity of its intersection with North Sandusky Ave.
84-75 12-22-75 Beal Ave. shall be a through street; Rosedale Ave. shall be a stop street at their intersection.
6-76 1-6-76 Two driving lanes and one left turn only lane on South Walnut St. in vicinity of its intersection with East Mansfield St.;
One westbound lane, one combination eastbound-left turn lane and one right turn only lane on East Charles St. at west entrance to its intersection with South Walnut St.;
One southbound lane, one combination northbound-right turn lane and one left turn only lane on South Walnut St. at south entrance to its intersection with East Charles St.
16-76 4-20-76 North Poplar and Tiffin Sts. shall be through streets at their intersection with River St.
17-76 4-20-76 Flow of traffic at intersection of North Poplar and West Mary Sts. shall be controlled by a full-time operating electric control device.
31-76 6-1-76 Martin Ave. shall be a through street at its intersection with Virginia Ave.
40-77 9-6-77 Repeals Ord. 15-72. No parking of motor vehicles on east side of N. Sandusky Ave. from Plymouth St. north to Irving St.
63-77 12-6-77 Full-time operation of electric traffic control device at intersection of Marion Rd. and Beal Ave. Laura Ave. at intersection with Lynne Ave. shall be a stop street.
21-78 5-2-78 No parking area along east side of Whetstone St. from Conrail RR grade crossing north to E. Mansfield St.
32-78 6-20-78 Repeals Ord. 37-77 and makes the intersection of Whetstone St. and Woodlawn Ave. a 4-way stop intersection.
42-78 9-5-78 Repeals portion of Ord. 23-75 relating to intersection of North Lane and Plymouth St.; no entry into intersection of Marion Rd. and Beal Ave. to make a right turn against a steady red electric traffic signal.
55-78 10-3-78 Full-time operation of electric traffic control device at intersection of S. Sandusky and Beal Aves.
77-78 11-21-78 One-way traffic from south to north along Maple St. from Plymouth to E. Irving Sts.; one-way traffic from north to south along Wingert St. from E. Irving to Plymouth Sts.
82-78 12-5-78 No parking or standing of motor vehicles in parking spaces #79, #80 and #81 on south side of W. Rensselaer St. opposite side entrance of J. C. Penney Co. store between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
89-78 12-19-78 Southland Ave. shall be a stop street at its intersection with W. Southern Ave.
90-78 12-19-78 North-south alleys paralleling N. Sandusky Ave., in the 100 blocks of E. and W. Mary Sts. shall be one-way throughfares from Mary St. north to Perry St.
11-79 3-6-79 Vehicular parking shall henceforth be banned along the west side of Washington Street.
13-79 3-20-79 The intersection of South Poplar Street and Oakwood Avenue shall be a four-way stop.
16-79 4-3-79 Establishes a special loading/unloading zone approximately twenty-one feet in length in the first parking space east of South Poplar Street on the north side of West Rensselaer Street, the same being designated parking meter space #70, in front of the present Golden Age Center at 126 W. Rensselaer St., for use by the elderly citizens of this community going to and from such establishment, andfurther, to erect thereat, appropriate special loading/unloading zone signs.
32-79 7-3-79 No parking of motor vehicles shall be permitted along that side of those portions of both South East Street and Faustina Avenue lying between Hopley and East Southern Avenues along which fire hydrants are located.
65-79 12-4-79 The intersection of Oakwood and Rogers Street shall be a four way stop intersection.
22-80 5-20-80 All eastbound traffic on East Rensselaer Street at its intersection with South Highland Avenue shall be required to turn right onto South Highland Avenue.
23-80 5-20-80 Vehicular parking shall be banned along the west side of South Sandusky Avenue from Charles Street to the Marion Road intersection and on the west side of Whetstone Street from the traffic light at East Mansfield Street south to the Conrail grade crossing.
32-80 8-19-80 There shall be two driving lanes and one left turn only lane along South Sandusky Avenue from Charles Street South to its intersection with Marion Road.
33-80 8-19-80 Repeals Ord. 77-78; and establishes two-way traffic along Maple and Wingert Streets.
37-80 9-2-80 Hull Avenue at its intersection with Failor Avenue shall be a stop street so far as eastbound traffic is concerned, and a yield street so far as westbound traffic is concerned.
8-81 1-20-81 15-minute parking only of motor vehicles shall be permitted along the west side of South Poplar Street from a point seventy-three feet south of the south curb line of West Mansfield Street where it intersects the west curb line of South Poplar Street, southerly a distance of approximately twenty-three feet to a point.
17-81 5-5-81 Victoria Drive at its intersection with Southland Avenue shall be a stop street. Laura Avenue at its intersection with Southland Avenue shall be a stop street.
25-81 6-16-81 15-minute parking only of motor vehicles shall be permitted along the east side of South Poplar Street in the 200-block in the City, from a point approximately 144 feet south of the south curbline of West Rensselaer Street where it intersects the east curbline of South Poplar Street southerly a distance of approximately twenty feet to a point.
44-81 9-15-81 The intersection of Tiffin and Hill Streets shall be a four way stop intersection.
52-81 11-18-81 The intersection of Rogers and East Southern Avenue in the vicinity of the Kilbourne Elementary Grade School shall be a four-way stop intersection.
61-81 12-1-81 Laura Avenue shall be a stop street at its intersection with Farmview Avenue.
18-82 6-2-82 15-minute parking only of motor vehicles shall be permitted along the west side of South Walnut Street in the block between East Mansfield and East Rensselaer Streets in the City, from a point approximately 86 feet north of the north curb line of East Rensselaer Street where it intersects the west curb line of South Walnut Street northerly a distance of approximately 40 feet to a point.
37-82 10-5-82 Vehicular parking is banned on west side of Grove Avenue from Oakwood Avenue south to Euclid Avenue.
25-83 6-21-83 Establishes special parking spaces for handicapped persons operating motor vehicles or for persons operating motor vehicles transporting handicapped persons in the first parking spaces along both sides of East Rensselaer Street off South Sandusky Avenue, and in the first parking spaces along both sides of East Warren Street off South Sandusky Avenue.
2-86 1-7-86 Establishes a 3-way stop traffic pattern at the intersection of W. Perry and Crawford Sts.
25-86 8-19-86 Bans vehicular parking along the west side of S. East St. from its intersection with E. Southern Ave. south to Charlotte St.
27-86 8-19-86 Extends the one-way-south-only traffic zone on S.Walnut St. and Schell Ave. 665 ft. to a point near the rear entrance of the General Electric Lamp Plant, 306 feet north of the centerline intersection of S. Walnut St. and William St.
7-87 3-3-87 Provides for the installation of a traffic signal light near the intersection of U.S. Business Rt. 30 and the west entrance to the Bucyrus Wire Assemblies, Inc. Plant parking lot, to operate during plant employees' shift changes only.
11-87 3-17-87 Provides for the erection of one stop sign on Monnett St. at its intersection with Gaius St.
43-87 10-6-86 Eliminates a special 103-ft. 15-minute parking zone along the east side of S. Spring St.
57-87 12-1-87 Establishes Grove at its intersection with Euclid Ave. as a stop street.
63-87 12-15-87 Establishes Oak Ridge Ave. at its intersection with Whetstone St. as a stop street.
14-88 4-5-88 Establishes as a stop street: Milo St. at its intersection with Earl St.
16-88 4-5-88 Bans vehicular parking along the curbline of the northwest end of Washington Square from a point 35 ft. north of the centerline of W. Mansfield St. northerly for 20 ft.
34-88 7-5-88 Bans vehicular parking along the west side of Prospect St. from Woodlawn Ave. to E. Southern Ave. and along the south side of E. Lucas St. from Sandusky Ave. to Jones St.
35-88 7-5-88 Establishes a one-way alley south: Portion of a north-south alley extending south from E. Charles St. to Liberty St., running parallel to S. Sandusky Ave. between such street and S. Walnut St. from its start to the north City Hall parking lot.
36-88 7-5-88 Establishes 4-way stop at the intersection of E. Lucas St. and Prospect St.
42-88 9-20-88 Establishes 4-way stop at the intersection of S. Walnut St. and E. Lucas St.
46-88 8-2-88 Repeals Ord. 15-88; establishes a “no parking zone” on Monday- Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. opposite one another on both the north and south sides of E. Warren St. at a point 180 ft. east of the intersection of the centerlines of E. Warren and Failor Sts. extending east 230 ft. to a point 315 ft. from the intersection of the centerlines of E. Warren and Whetstone St.
21-89 3-22-89 Bans vehicular parking along the south side of Bland Ave. from Tiffin St. to Willard St.
23-89 3-21-89 Repeals Ord. 2850 prohibiting parking along the west side of Wiley St. from the Belle-Hoffman Michael Home entrance south to Rensselaer St.
44-89 6-21-89 Bans vehicular parking along the south side of W. Mary St. from the first north-south alley west of N. Sandusky Ave. east to the intersection of the present south curbline of W. Mary St. with the west curbline of N. Sandusky Ave.; establishes permanent turning lane in the center of W. Mary St. west from N. Sandusky Ave. to N. Poplar St.
21-90 6-5-90 Establishes as stop streets: Lynne Ave. at its intersection with Victoria Dr.; Laura Ave. at its intersection with Rosedale Ave.
29-90 7-17-90 Bans motor vehicle parking along part of the north side of Wilber St. from a point 150 ft. from the centerline of Beverly Dr. west to High St.
45-90 9-4-90 Bans vehicular parking along the south side of W. Southern Ave. from Marion Rd. to Kaler Ave.
39-91 6-4-91 Eliminates 2-space 15-minute parking zone along west side of S. Walnut St. in block between E. Mansfield and E. Rensselaer Sts. in front of United Telephone Co. of Ohio office building.
99-91 12-17-91 Establishes as stop street: Gay St. at its intersection with Ridge Ave.
63-92 8-18-92 Bans vehicular parking along south side of Emerson St.
10-93 3-2-93 Bans vehicular parking along south side of Water St. commencing 570 ft. east from intersection of centerline of N. Lane St. and Water St.
27-93 5-5-93 Establishes handicapped parking: first parking space along south side of E. Rensselaer St. and first parking space along south side of W. Rensselaer St.
45-93 6-15-93 Establishes 2-space 15-minute parking zone in front of Ohio Auto Parts, 241 E. Mansfield St., along south side of E. Mansfield St. in block between S. Lane and S. Walnut Sts.
61-93 8-3-93 Establishes pedestrian right-of-way crosswalk across N. Walnut St.
74-93 9-7-93 Bans vehicular parking (except emergency vehicle) from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. Monday through Sunday along east/west curblines on Sandusky Ave.
90-93 11-3-93 Establishes right turn only for traffic exiting from Martha St. onto Rogers St.
5-94 1-18-94 Reserves permanently at all times 2 specially marked 8 ft. wide motor vehicle parking spaces for Sheriff’s Dept.
(1) One space beginning 20 ft. south, along W curbline of N. Walnut St. from south marked boundary line of existing pedestrian crosswalk across N. Walnut St., linking Crawford Cty. Sheriff’s office and Crawford Cty. Municipal Court Bldg.
(2) One space extending 24 ft. along W curbline of N. Walnut St., commencing at S line of first space.
6-94 1-18-94 Reserves permanently at all times for handicapped persons, one specially marked, 8-ft. wide motor vehicle parking space beginning 68 ft. south along W curbline of N. Walnut St. from south marked boundary line of existing pedestrian crosswalk across N. Walnut St., linking Crawford Cty. Sheriff’s office and Crawford Cty. Municipal Court Bldg., a distance of 26 ft.
7-94 1-18-94 Bans vehicular parking along north side of W. Irving St.
77-94 11-1-94 (a) Removes the present “No Parking” sign installed on the west side of Sherman St. a distance of approximately 56 feet south of intersection of centerlines of Plymouth and Sherman Sts.
(b) Installs new “No Parking” sign likewise on west side of Sherman St. a distance of approximately 100 feet south of the aforesaid intersection of centerlines of Plymouth and Sherman Sts.
3-95 1-17-95 Repeals Ord. 26-70, which establishes 15-min. only motor vehicle parking zone along east side of Spring St. in front of 320 S. Spring St. (in former storeroom of Brubach & Sons Fine Quality Meats) from point 96 ft. northerly from W. Charles and S. Spring Sts. intersection north for 50 ft.
24-95 6-20-95 Provides these stop streets:
(a) Grandview Dr. at intersection with Whetstone St.
(b) Grandview Dr. at intersection with Oakridge Dr.
(c) Wall St. (N-S 12-ft. wide alley) at intersection with Galen St.
29-95 7-18-95 Provides these stop streets:
(a) Wade Ave. at intersection with Southland Ave. (east and west directions).
(b) Wade Ave. at intersection, going east with Lynne Ave.
36-95 8-1-95 Bans motor vehicle parking along 113.5 ft. section on south side of E. Oakwood Ave. measured westerly from centerline of East St. at its intersection with East St.
56-95 11-22-95 Bans vehicular parking on north side of W. Southern Ave. between Marion Rd. (S.R. 4) and S. Sandusky Ave. from 6:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (Mon. through Fri.).
36-96 5-7-96 Provides stop street at Tiffin St. intersecting with River St. (east and west); creates 4-way stop at this intersection.
45-96 7-2-96 Removes 15-min. parking space sign in front of building at 231 S. Poplar St. (formerly Columbia Gas office).
56-96 7-16-96 Repeals Ord. 61-93, which established pedestrian r-o-w crosswalk (10-ft. wide passageway) across N. Walnut St. from its west curbline easterly to its east curbline near Crawford Cty. Municipal Court Building entrance.
62-96 8-6-96 Bans vehicular parking within Crossroads Industrial Park on both sides of, and at all times on:
(a) Crossroads Blvd.
(b) Holmes Ct. South.
(c) Liberty Dr. North.
63-96 8-6-96 Provides as a stop street, the one-way alley parallel to N. Sandusky and N. Poplar Sts. at its intersection with Galen St.
104-96 12-3-96 Provides that Tiffin St. at its intersection (north and south directions) with River St. is a through street; creates 2-way stop intersection at Tiffin and River Sts. (in east and west directions).
105-96 12-3-96 Repeals Ord. 16-79, which established loading-unloading zone in 1st parking space east of S. Poplar St. on north side of W. Rensselaer St. in front of 126 W. Rensselaer St.
18-97 2-18-97 Bans vehicular parking on north side of Oakwood Ave. from Oakwood and Sandusky Aves. intersection east on Oakwood Ave. to intersection of Oakwood Ave. and Prospect St.
37-97 6-4-97 The following are designated as stop streets:
(1) Fremont, intersecting with Shawber.
(2) Orra, intersecting with Shawber.
(3) Monnett, intersecting with Shawber.
(4) Willard, intersecting with Shawber.
(5) Willard, intersecting with Bland.
(6) Willard, intersecting with Gaius.
(7) Pleasant Hill, intersecting with Hill.
(8) Pleasant Hill, intersecting with Tiffin.
(9) Inez, intersecting with Reid.
(10) Lincoln, intersecting with Woodlawn.
(11) McKinley, intersecting with Woodlawn.
(12) Linden, intersecting with East End Way.
(13) Cross, intersecting with John.
(14) Martha, intersecting with S. Walnut.
(15) Wade, intersecting with Farmview.
(16) Stevens Ct., intersecting with Marion Rd.
(17) Jackson, intersecting with Hopley.
(18) Silverlake, intersecting with Edgewood.
(19) Overlook, intersecting with Sherwood.
(20) Farmview, intersecting with Victoria.
(21) Home Circle Dr., intersecting with Home Circle East.
(22) Joan Dr., intersecting with Home Circle West.
(23) Home Circle West, intersecting with Arch Dr.
(24) Lawn, intersecting with Woodrow.
(25) Emerson, intersecting with Woodrow.
86-97 11-18-97 Bans vehicular parking on north side of Southern Ave. from Sandusky Ave. (S.R. 98) east to Hopley Ave. intersection.
82-98 11-17-98 (1) Establish Reid St. as one-way traffic west to east from Fisher St. to Whetstone St. with parking on south side of street only;
(2) Ban vehicular parking on north side of W. Warren St. from Spring St. to Kramer Ave.;
(3) Ban vehicular parking on north side of South Railroad (which is actually Wiley St. as it curves around);
(4) Establish a crosswalk in 500 block of North Lane St. at Harmon Field and Soccer Field; and
(5) Establish a crosswalk in 100 block of N. Walnut St. between Municipal Court and Court House.
7-99 2-2-99 A permanent three-way stop established at intersection of Wyandot Rd. and West Southern Ave.
15-99 2-16-99 (1) Vehicular parking banned: south side of Gay St. for its entire length; on Tiffin St. from River St. to City limits on both sides of street; on north side of E. Warren St. from Whetstone St. to the westmost set of railroad tracks; and between signs on south side of Eloise St. and Nauman St.
(2) Removal of: 15 minute parking in 100 block of South Poplar.
44-99 6-15-99 Stop street established: E. Charles St. at its intersection (in both north and south directions) with S. Lane St., making a 4-way stop intersection at E. Charles St. and S. Lane St.
67-99 9-21-99 Stop street established: Gaius, at its intersection with Willard for west bound traffic.
69-99 9-21-99 (1) First and second parking spaces west of Swigart St. on north side of 200 block of E. Rensselaer St. designated as loading zone, Sundays only, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(2) First and second parking spaces west of Iron St. on south side of 400 block of E. Warren St. designated as loading zone, Sundays from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m., and Wednesdays, from 5:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
(3) Parking banned:
A. On north side of W. Charles St. between Ridge Ave. and Kramer Ave.
B. On north side of W. Southern Ave. from Kaler to Kerstetter Rd.
C. On both sides of Beal Ave. from Marion Rd. to Hopley Ave.
(4) A. One stop sign placed on W. Charles St. at Kramer Ave. for westbound traffic (NE corner).
B. Two stop signs placed on Isaac-Beal Rd. at Beal Ave. for N-S traffic (on NW and SE corners).
C. Two stop signs placed on Whetstone St. at Beal Ave. for N-S traffic (on NW and SE corners).
D. One stop sign placed at Beal Ave. at Hopley Ave. for east bound traffic (SW corner).
(5) Speed limit of 35 mph established from RR tracks at Walnut St. to Hopley Ave.
75-99 10-5-99 No passing zone established in area of Hopley Ave. from Whetstone St. eastward to City limits.
14-00 3-7-00 Established:
Loading-unloading zone (20 ft. long) for first parking space west of driveway at 240 E. Rensselaer St., for use by Jim’s Electric (236 E. Rensselaer St.); erect signs.
25-00 4-18-00 (1) Parking banned:
A. On south side of Clinton St. (entire length).
B. On east and west sides of Whetstone St. from Mansfield St. south to City limits.
(2) Stop sign erected:
A. On Cross St. at intersection with Hopley Ave. on SW corner for southbound traffic.
B. On Cross St. at intersection with John St. on SE corner for northbound traffic.
C. On Cross St. at intersection with Southern Ave. on SE corner for northbound traffic.
D. On Rosewood Ave. at intersection with W. Southern Ave. on NW corner for southbound traffic.
(3) Yield sign erected:
On Rosewood Ave. at intersection with Brentwood St. on SE corner for northbound traffic.
(4) Change stop sign to yield sign:
A. On Joan Dr. at intersection with Home Circle Dr. on SW corner for eastbound traffic.
B. On Home Circle Dr. at intersection with Arch Dr. on NW corner for southbound traffic.
60-00 8-8-00 (1) Parking banned:
A. On west side of 100 block of S. Walnut St. from intersection of Mansfield St., extending 120 ft. south of intersection.
B. On north side of 200 block of W. Warren St., from intersection of N-S alley, extending 80 ft. east of alley.
C. On west side of 100 block of Fisher St., from intersection of Mansfield St., extending 60 ft. south of intersection.
D. From north side of Clinton St. for its entire length from Lane St. east to its terminus.
(2) Stop sign removed:
A. On Lane St. at Warren St. for northbound traffic.
B. On Lane St. at Warren St. for southbound traffic.
C. On Southern Ave. at Kaler Ave. for westbound traffic.
D. On Southern Ave. at Kaler Ave. for eastbound traffic.
E. On Rosedale at Sunset for northbound traffic.
F. On Rosedale at Sunset for southbound traffic.
(3) Stop sign erected:
A. On Sunset at Rosedale for westbound traffic.
B. On Sunset at Rosedale for eastbound traffic.
63-00 8-22-00 Stop sign removed:
(1) On Walnut St. at Lucas St. for northbound traffic.
(2) On Walnut St. at Lucas St. for southbound traffic.
Two-way thoroughfare (north and south) established:
N-S alley east of S. Sandusky Ave. from Liberty St. north to terminus in 400 block of S. Sandusky Ave.
89-00 11-8-00 (1) No parking on east side of East St. from Woodlawn Ave. curbline to a point 63 ft. south.
(2) Stop sign erected:
A. On E-W alley between Sandusky Ave. and Walnut St. beside CVS at Walnut St. for eastbound traffic.
B. On E-W alley between Sandusky Ave. and Walnut St. beside CVS at Sandusky Ave. for westbound traffic.
C. On Eloise St. at Whetstone St. for westbound traffic.
D. On Hayes Ave. at Auto Ave. for southbound traffic.
E. On Nauman St. at Auto Ave. for southbound traffic.
(3) To repeal no right turn on red on Lane St. at Plymouth St.
(4) Yield sign erected:
A. On Sitler Ave. at Wise St. for northbound traffic.
B. On Michigan Dr. at Ohio Dr. for southbound traffic.
C. On Michigan Dr. at Ohio Dr. for northbound traffic.
D. On Hayes Ave. at Eloise St. for northbound traffic.
(5) To remove stop sign and erect yield sign:
A. On Wade Ave. at Farmview Ave. for eastbound traffic.
B. On Wade Ave. at Farmview Ave. for westbound traffic.
C. On Wade Ave. at Southland Ave. for eastbound traffic.
D. On Wade Ave. at Southland Ave. for westbound traffic.
E. On Wade Ave. at Lynne Ave. for eastbound traffic.
(6) Removal of all no right turn on red signs at Marion Rd. and Southern Ave. intersection.
6-2001 2-6-01 Removes traffic signal light near intersection of U.S. Business Route 30 and west entrance to Bucyrus Via Systems Plant parking lot.
26-2001 5-15-01 No parking on south side of Reid St. from E curbline of Fisher St. to a point 60 ft. east; no parking on north side of Water St. from Stoll St. east to the street’s terminus.
60-2001 10-16-01 (1) Stop sign placed on Hillcrest Dr. at Southern Ave. for northbound traffic.
(2) Yield sign placed on Wade Dr. at Hillcrest Dr. for westbound traffic.
(3) Yield sign placed on Laura Ave. at Hillcrest Dr. for westbound traffic.
(4) Yield sign placed on Victoria Dr. at Hillcrest Dr. for westbound traffic.
(5) Yield sign placed on Laura Ave. at Farmview Dr. for eastbound traffic.
(6) Yield sign placed on Laura Ave. at Farmview Dr. for westbound traffic.
(7) Removal of stop sign on Laura Ave. at Farmview Dr. for westbound traffic.
63-2001 10-16-01 (1) Repeals Ords. 5-94 and 6-94.
(2) Establishes eight 15-minute parking spaces along W curbline of N. Walnut St. next to Crawford Cty. Courthouse.
71-2001 12-4-01 Removes 10-ft. wide permanent turning lane in center of W. Mary St. extending west from N. Sandusky Ave. to N. Poplar St.
Ord. No. Date Description
8-2002 3-5-02 No parking on south side of W. Irving St.
27-2002 8-20-02 Stop sign placed on Shelly Dr. at intersection of Whetstone St.
30-2002 8-20-02 N. Sandusky Ave. to have 2 driving lanes from north edge of Mansfield St. north to Perry St. with marked Left Turn Only lanes southbound at Washington Square, southbound at RR tracks at Galen and northbound at Perry.
40-2002 10-1-02 (1) The special loading-unloading zone approximately 20 ft. in length in the second parking space east of S. Sandusky Ave. on the south side of E. Rensselaer St. in front of the Bucyrus American Legion Post #181 at 123 E. Rensselaer St., is abolished.
(2) The special loading-unloading zone sign is removed.
51-2002 11-19-02 (1) The special standing zone established by Ord. 16-94 for loading-unloading motor vehicles in connection with the former Belle Hoffman Michael King’s Daughters Home for Elderly Women at 518 E. Rensselaer St., with its eastern extremity commencing alongside the north curbline of E. Rensselaer St. about 45 st. in a westerly direction from the intersection of the centerlines of E. Rensselaer and Wiley Sts., and its western extremity a distance of about 42 ft. westerly alongside the north curbline of E. Rensselaer St. is abolished.
(2) The special loading-unloading zone sign(s) is/are removed.
17-2003 5-20-03 Places a stop sign and no left turn on Wall St. (between Farmers Citizens Bank and Crawford County Courthouse) at Washington Square for southbound traffic.
48-2003 11-5-03 No parking on north and south sides of Galen St.
27-2004 7-20-04 No parking on east and west sides of Plants Way.
34-2004 8-24-04 Re-establishes 10-foot wide permanent turning lane in center of W. Mary St. Extending westerly from N. Sandusky Ave. to N. Poplar St.
38-2004 8-24-04 Places stop signs on:
(1) Kincora Dr. Southbound at Hopley Ave.
(2) Kincora Dr. where circle meets.
(3) Rikki Lee Lane northbound to Arrowhead Dr.
56-2004 11-3-04 Places 3-way stop sign at intersection of Willard St. and Bland Ave.
57-2004 11-3-04 No parking on east side of Sherman St. between Plymouth St. and Wilber St.
62-2004 11-16-04 Restricts traffic on Stoll St. and on 112 ft. at E end of alley between Lane and Stoll Sts. to vehicles necessary for City Water Treatment Plant.
64-2004 12-7-04 Sign for special loading-unloading zone erected 310 ft. from south intersection of Martha and S. Walnut Sts. for use by Kilbourne School.
14-2005 8-3-05 Pedestrian r-o-w crosswalk established from 10-ft. wide passageway across Southern Ave. (edge of pavement to edge of pavement) near Fairway School and YMCA; E and W boundary lines of passageway are east on Southern Ave. from centerline of Sherwood Dr.
Ord. No. Date Description
43-2005 11-1-05 Stop signs placed on:
(1) Willard St. and Hill St. for southbound traffic.
(2) Pleasant Hill Dr. at Hill St. for northbound traffic.
44-2005 11-1-05 No parking along 128 feet of fence enclosing Bucyrus Community Hospital Helipad on north side of Bland Ave. between Willard and Tiffin Sts.
27-2006 7-18-06 Stop signs shall be placed on:
(1) Gulling Dr. at Crossroads Blvd.
(2) Holmes Court South at Crossroads Blvd.
(3) Woodale St. at Plum St.
(4) Cleland Ave. at Plum St.
(5) Wilber St. at Plum St.
28-2006 7-18-06 Vehicular parking:
(1) Shall be banned for 2 spaces in front of 121 W. Warren St.
(2) Shall be banned on the west side of S. Spring St. from W. Mansfield St. to Southern Ave.
(3) Shall be permitted on east side of S. Spring St. from W. Mansfield St. to Southern Ave.
(4) Shall be banned on north side of E. Rensselaer St. from Catherine St. to Highland Ave.
45-2006 10-17-06 Established:
(1) Right turn only lane placed on W. Mansfield St. and Spring St. for eastbound traffic.
(2) Combination left turn and straight through lane placed on W. Mansfield St. at Spring St. for eastbound traffic.
(3) Left turn only lane placed on E. Mansfield St. at Walnut St. for westbound traffic.
(4) Combination right turn and straight through lane placed on E. Mansfield St. at Walnut St. for westbound traffic.
(5) Left turn only lane placed on E. Mansfield St. at Lane St. for westbound traffic.
(6) Combination right turn and straight through lane placed on E. Mansfield St. at Lane St. for westbound traffic.
14-2007 4-3-07 Parking shall be permitted on the north side of Galen St. from N. Walnut St. going west to the terminus of Galen St. in the vicinity of the Railroad bridge.
24-2008 5-20-08 The East-West alley south of Charles Street be one-way from 338 feet west to Sandusky Avenue and two-way from 128 feet east to Walnut Street (the east end).
25-2008 5-20-08 The placement of 4-way stop signs on South Lane Street at Warren Street and the placement of 3-way stop signs 314 feet west from Sandusky Avenue and 339 feet east from Willard Street (East-West Alley South of Gaius Street).
49-2008 11-18-08 (1) The placement of a stop sign on the Northeast corner of Lawn Avenue at High Street.
(2) The return of the alley from Hopley to East Street running West to East, parallel to Woodlawn Avenue to a one-way street between Bucyrus School Property and Grace United Methodist Church.
Ord. No. Date Description
58-2008 12-16-08 Parking shall be banned on the South side of East Oakwood Avenue between Prospect Street and Clay Street.
28-2009 9-1-09 Repeals Ord. 45-93.
9-2010 4-6-10 Installation of a stop sign at Hill Street at the southwest corner for eastbound traffic at Plants Way; the installation of a stop sign at Plants Way and Hill Street going north at the northeast corner for northbound traffic; and the installation of a no parking sign on the south side of Hill Street between Plants Way and Pleasant Hill Drive.
14-2010 5-18-10 Provides for the placement of a stop sign on the southeast corner of Myers and Hill Streets for north bound traffic.
22-2010 9-21-10 Provides for the placement of a handicap parking sign in the third parking space, approximately 46 feet from the alley, on the south side of East Rensselaer St., adjacent to Brandy’s Beauty Salon and The American Legion.
36-2011 10-4-11 Placement of a right turn only lane on East Perry Street at North Sandusky Avenue for westbound traffic and a combination left turn and straight through lane on East Perry Street at North Sandusky Avenue for westbound traffic.
19-2013 7-2-13 (1) Moving the current crosswalk in the 500 block of North Lane Street 10 feet north;
(2) Removal of the stop sign at Redman Way and Hill Street;
(3) Placement of a yield sign at Redman Way and Hill Street; and
(4) Banning parking on the south side of Hill Street between Tiffin and Myers Streets.
9-2014 2-18-14 (1) The removal of the stop sign on Hill Street at Redmen Way.
(2) The placement of a yield sign on Hil Street at Redman Way.
20-2014 6-3-14 (1) The placement of No Parking signs on both sides of Lane Street between Plymouth Street and Mary Street.
(2) The placement of No Parking signs on both sides of Rogers Street between Charlotte Street and Martha Street.
20-2015 5-5-15 Placement of No Parking signs on the south side of Cullen Court from Robinhood to Cullen Avenue.
46-2015 12-15-15 Removal of the No Parking Signs in front of 121 W. Warren Street.
19-2017 3-7-17 (1) “No Parking” zone on the south side of Ann Street to be extended from Sears Street to Jump Street, to run the entire length of Ann Street, and
(2) A three-way stop at Charlotte Street and East Street (adding a stop sign on East for northbound traffic, and
(3) Additional parking in the 200 block of East Rensselaer Street, and
(4) Four additional parking spaces on the west side of Courthouse, in the alley, and finally
(5) A 35 MPH speed limit sign on North Sandusky Avenue from Irving Street to the north corporation limit.
31-2017 6-20-17 (1) To remove the “No parking/Loading” zone from the 200 block of East Rensselaer Street, and
(2) To add three parking spaces next to the sally port at Courthouse, and finally
(3) To remove a “No Turn on Red” sign from South Sandusky and Beal Avenues going westbound.
45-2017 9-19-17 (1) The placement of No Parking signs on the south side of River Street between Sandusky Avenue and Tiffin Street, and
(2) The placement of No Parking signs on the east and west sides of the 200- 300 blocks of East Street.
4-2018 3-6-18 (1) To open the north side of the City Hall parking lot alley to allow traffic to turn left to access the Morning Glory Bakery drive-thru window, and
(2) To place No Parking on the west side of Cherry Lane from Euclid Avenue to West Oakwood Avenue.
18-2018 5-15-18 Four-way stops on West Mansfield Street at Spring Street, West Mansfield Street at Poplar Street and West Mary Street at Poplar Street.
29-2018 7-17-18 (1) Repeal a portion of Ordinance 19-2017 “a 35-mph speed limit sign on N. Sandusky Avenue from Irving Street to the north corporation limit”, and
(2) Remove “35 mph” and add “45 mph” on Marion Road (SR 4 south) from Beal Avenue to Mt. Zion Road, and
(3) Establish Hopley Avenue (SR 19/100) from Sherwood Drive to Beal Avenue 45 mph, and
(4) Establish Quaker Road (SR 19) from Tiffin Street to SR 4 55 mph, and
(5) Establish S. Sandusky Avenue (SR 98) from Beal Avenue to Mt. Zion Road 45 mph, and
(6) Establish Plymouth Street (SR 98) from Irving Street to the west ramp 45 mph, and
(7) Add “No Parking on the west curb of Spring Street at W. Mansfield Street on the south side of W. Mansfield Street for 215" to the existing TCM entry #2778 dated June 17, 1964 “starting 490" west of the west curb at the Spring Street intersection west to City Limits, and
(8) Remove the right and left turn lanes on W. Mansfield Street at Spring Street, Ordinance 45-2006 dated October 17, 2006 and
(9) Remove the turn lane on W. Mary Street at Poplar Street, Ordinance 44-89 dated June 21, 1989 and 34-2004 dated August 24, 2004, and finally
(10) Remove the turn lane and re-establish turn lane, Ordinance 44-89 dated June 21, 1989 and 34-2004 dated August 24, 2004 and add “Establish 127" east bound turn lane on W. Mary Street at N. Sandusky Avenue.
15-2019 2-19-19 Section 1, Part 3 of Ordinance 19-2017 is hereby repealed and the four (4) parking spaces on the west side of the courthouse in the alley are hereby removed.
32-2019 7-2-19 (1) Parking is prohibited on either side of Sandusky Avenue from Charles Street to Perry Street from 3 a.m. to 5 a.m.
(2) Provides for no parking on either side of Sandusky Avenue from Charles Street to Perry Street from 5:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. on Fridays only.
38-2019 9-3-19 (1) Section 2 of Ordinance 32-2019 is hereby amended as follows: provides for no parking on either side of Sandusky Avenue from Charles Street to Perry Street from 5:30 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on Fridays only.
(2) Section 1 of Ordinance 62-67 is hereby amended as follows: No parking of a motor vehicle shall henceforth be permitted on the south side of East Southern Avenue from Marion Road east to the City limits and no parking on the north side of East Southern Avenue from Whetstone Street west to 40 feet.
(3) Yield signs shall be placed:
A. On Crystal Crescent at Waterford Drive;
B. At Dunloe Court at Waterford Drive;
C. At Reserve Boulevard at Waterford Drive.
(4) There shall be no turn on red on Beal Avenue at Marion Road and Fairview Avenue and on Fairview Avenue at Marion Road and Beal Avenue.
(5) The following signs shall be removed:
A. One stop sign on Fairview Avenue at Marion Road;
B. One stop sign on Marion Road at Fairview Avenue; and
C. Two stop signs on Marion Road at Beal Avenue.
49-2019 10-1-19 (1) A forty-five mph (45) speed limit sign on both lanes of West Mansfield Street from the east side of 1107 W. Mansfield St. to the west side of City limits.
(2) A. Removing two stop signs on the NW and SE corners of Maple Street at Lawn Avenue.
B. Thru Traffic Does Not Stop signs are installed on Lawn Avenue approaching the NW and SE Maple Street intersection.
26-2022 8-23-22 (1) Two (2) Emergency Parking Only signs on the west side of Plants Way across from the ambulance bay of Avita Health System Bucyrus Hospital.
(2) Remove and close the one-way alley that runs from South Walnut Street to South Sandusky Street and runs in a westerly direction, said alley being abutted by Inlots 776 and 777 on the South and Inlots 774 and 775 on the North.
31-2023 9-19-23 Remove the No Parking on the south side of Clinton Street for the entire length.