(a) Council Clerk will:
(1) Complete a "REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION" form:
A. Fill in the Ordinance/Resolution No.
B. Fill in "SPONSOR" blank with the name of the Council Committee that requested the legislation.
C. Fill in the "DATE" request is initiated.
D. Fill in the "REQUEST LEGISLATION TO" by stating what the purpose of the legislation is and why it is being requested.
E. Fill in the "FOR MEETING OF" by inserting the date of the Council meeting the legislation is to be put on the Council agenda.
F. Secure signature of Sponsor Committee Chairperson to "SUBMITTED BY". If the proposed legislation must also be approved by another Committee, secure signature of Committee Chairperson to "SUBMITTED BY".
G. Fill in "SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS" by including here any specific, pertinent information necessary to properly indicate the thinking and reasoning of the Committee. See the(**) at the bottom of the form.
H. Fill in "RELATED PRIOR LEGISLATION" by including the Codified Ordinance chapter, paragraph, ordinance number referred to in the legislation being requested.
I. Mark whether or not the legislation being requested is an emergency. If "YES" is marked , state on the form the reason why.
J. Mark either "YES" or "NO" if additional information such as sample ordinances, copies of contracts, specifications, blue-prints, etc. are being provided to aid in the preparation of the legislation. Be sure they are attached.
K. Be sure the completed form with all papers attached and committee minutes are submitted to the Law Director's office no later than 10:00 a.m. on Monday following the Joint Regular Committee meeting, or sooner if possible.
EXCEPTIONS: Council Clerk may also be authorized to get the material ready for a date later than specified above provided these arrangements are satisfactory to the Law Director and the Law Director is provided additional time to prepare the legislation
L. Make copies of the "REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION" form and distribute according to the distribution list on the request form .
(b) Law Director will:
(1) Prepare the necessary legislation based on the information provided within the required time frame. If that is not possible, communicate this information to the Council Clerk.
(2) Place at the top right of the first page of the legislation the sponsor committee requesting the legislation.
(3) Place at the top center of the first page of the legislation and at the top left of subsequent pages, Resolution No. ___ or Ordinance No. .
(4) Return the prepared legislation in electronic format to the Council Clerk by noon on the Friday preceding the next regularly scheduled Council meeting.
This information can then be used to notify the Media of the legislation being considered at the next Council meeting.
(c) Council Clerk will:
(1) Date and indicate the time the legislation was received on the "REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION" form.
(2) If everything is in order and received within the proper time frame, confer with Council President concerning placement on the agenda.
(3) Put the resolution or ordinance number on the prepared legislation
(4) Make copies of the prepared legislation for each Council person etc.
(5) Make copies of the "REQUEST FOR LEGISLATION" form for each Council person etc. and attach it to the prepared legislation.
(d) In the event of unforeseen circumstances arising that would interfere with the proper execution of these guidelines, the most expeditious method of getting legislation prepared for Council action at the earliest time possible will be used and a note of explanation should be attached to the request when the request and prepared legislation is given to Council for its consideration, i.e. absence of key personnel during the preparation periods or request for legislation received by utility companies, government entities etc. which require immediate action.
(Ord. 22-2020. Passed 9-1-20.)