At all meetings of Council and Committees, business shall be transacted in a timely manner in the following suggested order.
   (a)    Council.
      Call Council to order
      Pledge of Allegiance
      Roll call of members
      Approval of minutes, individual transcripts having been delivered to Council
         members by Clerk prior to meeting time
      Approval of Public Hearing/Other Minutes, individual transcripts having
         been delivered to Council members by clerk prior to meeting time
      Granting permission of visitors to speak
      Reading communications and petitions
      Report of standing committees
      Report of special committees
      Report of City Officers
      Granting permission of visitors to provide input regarding the reports read by
         Chairpersons of standing and special committees and of City Officers
      Considering ordinances and resolutions
      Allocation of time, following the approval by Council of the first, second and
         third readings of an introduced piece of legislation, to provide comment and
         input by visitors present
      Committee reports concerning pending ordinances and resolutions
      Further consideration of pending ordinances and resolutions
      Unfinished business
      New and miscellaneous business
      Excusing absent members
   (b)    Committees.
      Roll call of members
      Public participation
      Order of committee business, including approval of minutes by each
      Public participation
      (Ord. 22-2020. Passed 9-1-20.)