The standing committees of Council, with their respective functions, shall be as follows:
   Economic Development Committee
         Airport (Service to Community)
         Chamber of Commerce (Labor, Organizations, Associations)
         City Planning Commission
         City Real Estate Management
         Crawford County Economic Development
         Downtown Revitalization
         Enterprise Zone
         Enterprise Zone Agreements
         Fair Housing
         Industries (Promote, Help, Attract)
         Promotion of Jobs, Local Business
         Prospective Real Estate Acquisitions and Purchase
            Options (Public/Private)
         Railroads (Service to Community)
         Service on Various Boards Dealing with Economic Development
         Tax Abatements
         Tax Incentive Review Council-Related Activities
         Tourism and Visitor’s Bureau
   Finance Committee
         Bed Tax
         Enterprise Zone Agreements
         Salary Schedule
         Tax Abatements
   Health and Safety Committee
         Ambulance and EMS Services
         Emergency Management Agency
         Fire Department
         Health Insurance
         Liquor Permits
         Peddler Permits
         Police Department
         Street Lighting
         Traffic Control
   Platting Committee
         Building Permits
         Dedications, Street and Alley
         Railroads (Maintenance and Repair)
         Sewers and Drains (CM&R)
         Sidewalks (CM&R)
         Streets (CM&R)
         Vacations, Street and Alley
   Public Lands and Buildings Committee
         Agricultural Land
         Bike and Hiking Paths
         City Real Estate Management
         Land Leases/Sale
         Office Space, to include oversight and management of the Council Clerk’s
            Office, all Council records, and Council Chambers.
         Parks and Playgrounds
         Prospective Real Estate Acquisitions and Purchase
            Options (Public/Private)
         Tree City USA
         Land Bank
   Service Committee
         Airport (Maintenance and Repair)
         Cable TV
         Fleet Insurance
         Garbage Service
         Gas, Electric and Telephone
         Local Access Cable
         Sewerage Service
         Stormwater Utility Service
         Water Service. (Ord. 50-2005. Passed 12-20-05; Ord. 14-2015. Passed 4-7-15; Ord. 20-2017. Passed 3-21-17; Ord. 22-2020. Passed 9-1-20; Ord. 13-2021. Passed 6-1-21.)