Every proposed ordinance and resolution shall be read first for information on the day when introduced, which shall constitute the first reading of such ordinance or resolution. The same shall be taken up at a subsequent meeting of Council, when it shall be read a second time and may be amended. When amended, it must be referred again to the committee, who will report it back to Council in its amended form, and it shall again have a first reading. Unless otherwise ordered by Council, it shall then lie on the table until subsequent meetings for its second and third readings before its final passage or adoption. No amendment shall be received for discussion at the third reading of any ordinance or resolution, but it shall be in order at any time before final passage or adoption to move to refer an ordinance or resolution to a committee for amendment. Any ordinance or resolution so referred shall, when reported back to such committee, be put on its first reading as hereinbefore set forth. However, under suspension of the proper rule, an ordinance or resolution may be put on its final passage or adoption at one meeting of Council. The practice of the suspension of the rules to expedite the passage or adoption of ordinances and resolutions shall not be abused, and other than emergency ordinances and resolutions shall not be disposed of at one meeting of Council unless a real advantage in so doing is shown to exist.
(Ord. 2499. Passed 6-2-59. )