Ord. No.   Date      Volume   Page   Description
398       7-13-09    5       150    Part of Rensselaer St.
407       9-8-09       5       203    Part of Rensselaer St.
439       1-18-10    5       272    Alley between Inlots 1503 and 1600.
518A       1-3-11       5       419    Alley along Inlots 2040 to 2042.
542       10-3-11    6       59    Part of alley between Inlots 271 and 272.
559       1-16-12    6       75    Alley between Inlots 490 and 497.
568       5-7-12       6       98    Alley between Inlots 535 and 542.
608       12-17-12    6       178    Alleys near Wingert and Maple Sts.
610       12-17-12    6       180    Alleys between Inlots 669, 671 and 673, 670, 672 and 674; alley between Inlots 669 and 670, 671 and 672.
630       8-5-13       6       230    Alley between Inlots 439, 440, 442 and 441.
633       8-28-13    6       234    Alleys between Inlots 555 and 554, 416 and 412, 496 and 491, 515 and 525, 443 and 438.
680       6-16-14    6       354    Alley between Inlots 2179 and 2180.
721       10-6-14    6       405    Alley between Inlots 640, 641, 633 and 634.
752       7-20-15    7       46    Part of Osman St.
782       2-1-16       7       101    Alleys near Inlots 2881 and 2882.
788       3-7-16       7       133    Part of Wilber St.; part of alley near Inlots 2515 to 2517.
791       3-7-16       7       138    Street running through part of Outlot 331.
829       6-20-16    7       182    Alley between Inlots 992 and 995.
854       8-17-16    7       212    Alley between Inlot 739 and Outlot 196.
981       12-6-17    7       357    Parts of Harris Ave. and Clay St. and certain alleys.
1016       9-17-18    7       409    Alley between Inlots 436 and 445.
1042       4-1-19       7       446    Alley between Inlots 989 and 990.
1049       5-22-19    7       463    Part of Charlotte St.
1057       7-8-19       7       470    Alley between Inlots 3024 to 3034 and part of Outlot 378.
1062       8-19-19    7       492    Alley between Inlots 1502 and 1503.
1077       12-16-19    8       25    Alley between Inlots 3631 to 3650.
1079       12-16-19    8       26    Part of Charlotte St. near T. C. & O.R. R.R.
1089       5-4-20       8      61    Alley between Inlots 1147 and 1753.
1091       5-18-20    8       72    Alley between Inlots 945 and 947.
1110       9-21-20    8       105    Alley between Inlots 584 and 585.
1112       10-5-20    8       106    Alley between Inlots 1598 and 1599.
1118       12-21-20    8       114    Alley between Inlots 980 and 981.
1150       11-15-21    8       177    Alley south of Inlot 1875, north of Inlots 1869 to 1873.
1191       11-21-22    8       231    Alley between Inlots 1348 and 1349, Outlot 297.
1254       4-7-25       8       382    Alley between Inlots 451 and 454.
1256       6-16-25    8       385    Alley between Inlots 979 and 982.
1271       4-20-26    9       31    Alley between Inlots 492 and 495.
1345       11-1-27    9       175    Alley between Inlots 519 and 685.
1360       12-20-27    9       197    Alley along Inlots 4105 to 4110, 4111 and 4114.
1361       12-20-27    9       198    Alley along Inlots 1583, 1584, 1585 and 1586.
1429       9-4-29       9       339    Alley extending north from Allen Ave.
1453       2-18-30    9       392    Alley between Inlots 518 and 686 on S. Spring St.
1463       5-20-30    10       21    Alley between Inlots 2855 to 2858.
1473       10-7-30    10       54    Parts of alley between Short St. and Nora St.
1479       12-16-30    10       72    Alley between Inlots 1490 and 1762.
1496       7-21-31    10       109    Alley near Inlots 1863, 1866, 1867, 1864, 1865 and 1868.
1504       12-15-31    10       131    Part of Oak Ave. and 2 nearby alleys.
1731       11-1-38    11       200    Alley between Inlots 551 and 558.
1755       9-5-39       11       249    Part of alley between Inlots 3651 to 3654 and 3687.
1791       8-6-40       11       312   Part of King St. and alley east of N.Y.C.R. R. Co. property.
1793       8-20-40    11       316    Part of alley between Inlots 538 and 539.
1813       4-15-41    11       365    Alley between Inlots 569 and 573.
1858       5-19-42    12       12    Alley between Inlots 556 and 553.
1883       1-19-43    12       55    Part of Winchester Ave.
1893       5-18-43    12       69    Alley between Outlot 99 and Inlots 1658-1660.
1898       7-6-43       12       77    Alley between Inlots 2902 and 2903-2905.
1911       1-18-44    12       96    Two alleys adjacent to Wayne and Penn Aves.
1934       8-1-44       12       149    Part of Ethel St. and alleys adjacent thereto.
1969       6-12-45    12       222    Alley between Wallace Ave. and Charlotte St.
1981       10-2-45    12       237    Alley north off Charlotte St. to Inlot 3664.
1984       11-20-45    12       243    Alley between Inlots 989 and 991.
2001       7-2-46       12       289    Part of Union Ave.
2003       7-2-46       12       290    Alley between Inlots 4068 and 4067.
2011       7-16-46    12       299    Alley between Ridge and Kramer Aves.
2041       4-1-47       12       357    Alley between Inlots 552 and 557.
2071       12-2-47    12       408    Two alleys adjacent to Inlots 1237 and 1238.
2112       12-7-48    12       498    Part of Willard St.
2125       5-17-49    13       34    Alley off Virginia Ave.
2131       9-20-49    13       47    Alley off Allen Ave.
2146      1-3-50       13       66    Alley off Cleland Ave.
2169       8-1-50       13       111    Alley off Whetstone St.
2178       12-5-50    13       138    Alley off Wise St.
2198       7-17-51    13       178    Alley off Songer Ave.
2234       5-20-52    13       234    Alley between Virginia and Ridge Aves.
2268       4-7-53       13       288    Part of alley off Pearl St.
2283       9-1-53       13       325    Part of alley between Southern and Wallace Aves.
2293       12-15-53    13       350    Alley off East River St.
2297       1-19-54    13       361    Part of alley between Rogers and East Sts.
2304       3-2-54       13       369    Part of alley between Wallace Ave. and Charlotte St.
2311       6-1-54       13       385    Alley between Virginia and Kaler Aves.
2315       7-20-54    13      396    Alley between Adams St. and Hopley Ave.
2318       10-5-54    13       402    Alley off Maple St.
2325       2-15-55    13       429    Alley between Adams St. and Hopley Ave.
2331       3-1-55       13       430    Alley between Woodrow Ave. and High St.
2338       5-17-55    13       445    Alley off Poplar St.
2350       10-4-55    13       467    Part of Winchester Ave.
2358       12-20-55    13       485    Alley between Virginia and Ridge Aves.
2366       2-21-56    13       498    Alley off Wayne Ave.
2382       6-19-56    14       24    Alley running south off Schell Ave.
2388       9-4-56       14       39    Alley running west off S. East St.
2391       9-18-56    14       45    Part of Adams St. between Washington and Jefferson Sts.
2398       10-16-56    14       57    Alley running east and west off Plants Way.
2402       11-6-56    14       68    Alley running south off E. Lucas St.
2435       8-6-57       14       121    Alley running north off Blicke St.
2439       9-3-57       14       125    Alley running between Inlots 437 and 444.
2455       1-21-58    14       163    Part of Willard St. off W. Irving St.
2456       1-21-58    14       164    Part of Franklin St. and 2 alleys.
2465       5-6-58       14       179    Alley running north off Bland Ave.
2478       9-2-58       14       203    Alley running east off Inez St.
2497       3-17-59    14       247    Part of Clay St., part of Harris Ave. and part of 4 alleys.
2506       6-2-59       14       268    Part of alley running north off Blicke St.
2510       6-16-59    14       278    Part of Frederick St.
2531       12-15-59    14       319    Part of Vollrath St.
2563       7-19-60    14       392    Part of alley between Pennsylvania R.R. and Charlotte St.
2580       9-20-60    14      418    Alley running south of E. Mansfield St.
2596       1-17-61    14      453    Alley between Dudley Ave. and Songer Ave.
2605       4-18-61    14       472    Alley next east of Clark St.
2648       12-19-61    15       59    Part of Union St. and 2 alleys.
2702       10-2-62    15       147    Alley running south from Inlot 272.
2727       6-18-63    15       219    Alley between Failor Ave. and Union St.
2748       10-15-63    15       253    Alley between Wilber St. and Cleland Ave.
2759       1-7-64      15       289    Alley between Ann St. and Perry St.
2765      3-3-64       15       306    Alley running north off Williams St.
2766       3-3-64       15       307    Alley running west off Myers St.
2814       4-6-65       15       419    Part of alley extending from Oakwood Ave. to Euclid Ave. between Spring St. and Grove Ave.
2821       4-21-65    15       430    Part of Auto Ave. and alley near Inlot 3352.
2822       5-4-65       15       432    Alley between Inlots 2405, 2406, 2384, 2385 and Outlot 381.
2841       11-2-65    15       492    Part of East St.
2847       12-7-65    16       1    Part of alley between Inlots 1492 to 1494 and 1487 to 1489.
2849       12-21-66    16          Alley abutting Inlots 2221 to 2224.
15-66       6-7-66       16       46    Part of Elm St.
19-66       6-7-66       16       51   Part of alley near Inlot 2538 and alley near Inlot 2539.
8-67       2-7-67       16       175    Part of alley between Orra and Willard Sts.
9-67       2-7-67       16       176    Part of Cleland St. between Sherman St. and Beverly Dr.
26-67       5-16-67    16       217   Part of alley between River and Hill Streets.
27-67       5-16-67    16       218   Part of alley between Sandusky Ave. and Plants Way.
40-67       8-1-67       16       245   Part of an E-W alley from Plants Way to a N-S alley between Plants Way and N. Sandusky Ave.
47-67       9-19-67    16       258    Alley extending from Ann St. north to Hill St. between Myers and Sears Sts.
63-67       12-19-67    16       305    Alley extending from S. Sandusky Ave. easterly 165 ft. to the first N-S alley in the City.
50-68       11-19-68    16       468   Alley extending south of and parallel to Plymouth St. and off Earl St.
20-69       5-6-69       17       36   E-W alley between Inez and Ethel Sts. and branch alley running south.
65-69       12-2-69    17       133   E-W alley running east off East St. and north of and parallel to E. Mansfield St.
17-70       5-5-70       17       189   Portion of a 16.5 foot alley running north off Mary St. and portion of E-W 16.5 foot paralleling Mary St. and intersecting the aforesaid N-S alley portion from the east.
27-70       8-4-70       17       211   12 foot N-S alley running south from Songer Ave. and being west of Wingert St. and parallel thereto; portion of E-W 12 foot alley running west off Wingert St. between Irving St. and Songer Ave.
33-70       10-6-70    17       232   13 foot wide E-W alley extending north of and parallel to Woodlawn Ave. off Lincoln Ave.
34-70       10-6-70    17       233   15.4 foot wide E-W alley extending south of and parallel to Plymouth St. connecting Beverly Dr. with Sherman St
38-70       10-20-70    17       237   15 foot N-S alley running north off Superior St. and west of and parallel to Walnut St.
39-70       11-3-70    17       249    12 foot N-S alley running south off E. Rensselaer St. and east of and parallel to Catherine St.
6-71      1-19-71    17       284   Portion of 16 foot E-W alley running east off Harper Ave. between E. Rensselaer and E. Warren Sts. between Inlots 598 and 593 and part of Inlots 599 and 594.
45-71       9-7-71       17       377    Part of Superior St.
48-71       9-21-71    17      380    16 foot E-W alley running west off Maple St. parallel to and situated between Emerson and Dudley Sts.
6-72       2-1-72       17       459    Part of Superior St.
34-73       6-5-73       18       230    Part of 14.6 ft. E-W alley extending west 80 ft. from north end of Freemont St. parallel to Shawber Ave.
41-73       8-14-73    18       255    Part of Dunn St. running north off Lawn Ave. to City corporation line between Inlots 4132 and 4893.
42-73       8-14-73    18       256    Part of 12 ft. N-S alley between Highland Ave. and Linden Ave., and 12 ft. wide access alley leading west from Linden Ave.
62-74       9-3-74       18       500    Part of 12 ft. E-W alley running west off Jones St. to 12 ft. N-S alley running parallel with Jones St.
63-74       9-3-74       18       501    Part of 12 ft. W-E alley running east off Kramer Ave. between Charles and Gay Sts.
17-72       4-4-72       17       492    12 ft. alley running N-E off North Sandusky Ave. and abutting Inlot 614 to north and Inlot 615 to south.
18-72       3-21-72    17       487    12 ft. N-S alley immediately east of and approximately parallel to North Sandusky Ave.
38-72       9-5-72       18       54    16 ft. alley running E-W along present north Corporation line of City and located between Maple St. and N-S alley east of and approximately parallel to North Sandusky Ave.
59-72       12-19-72    18       124    Amends Ord. 17-72; D.D. and R.S. Fishpaw to Bildeway, Inc.
28-75       4-29-75    19       201    12 ft. E-W alley running west off Jones St. between Lucas and Aurora Sts.
38-75       7-1-75       19       244    16.5 ft. E-W alley running east off Jump St.
52-75       11-4-75    19       298    16 ft. E-W alley between Lawn Ave. and Emerson St.
4-77       2-15-77    20       25    15-ft. E-W alley running west off Wayne Ave., south of Inlots 3229, 3230 and 3231.
24-77       7-5-77                12-ft. N-S alley running south of E. Rensselaer St. between Inlots 629 and 632.
25-77      7-5-77      20      98    15-ft. N-S alley west of and approximately parallel to Wayne Ave. between Auto and Sommer Aves.
28-78      5-16-78   20      293    12-ft. E-W alley running west off Prospect St. between Inlots 1952 and 1953; repeals Ord. 30-77.
31-79      6-19-79   21      18    Vacates a 12-ft. alley between High and Sherman Sts. running south off Irving St.
5-80      1-15-80   21      165    Vacates an unopened 16.5-ft. alley between Southern and Highland Aves. and along the west and north sides of the Fairgrounds Addition.
28-80      7-1-80      21      226    Vacating a portion of Sommer Ave. westerly from Wayne Ave.
56-80      11-18-80   21      283    Vacates a portion of a W-E 12-ft. alley extending eastwardly between Charles and Gay Sts.
31-81      7-21-81   21      419    Amends Ord. 25-77, a N-S alley west of and approximately parallel to Wayne Ave. between Auto and Sommer Aves.
29-86      9-4-86      23      243    Vacates a 16.5 ft. wide N-S alley running north and parallel to the centerline of N. Walnut St. from the S. property line extended of the west and extended of an alley (16.5 ft. wide E-W), to the south right-of-way line of Perry St.
54-88      9-6-88      24      132    12-ft. wide N-S alley running parallel to the centerline of Catherine St. from the north line of E. Warren St. to the south line of a 16 1/2 ft. wide E-W alley and along lengths of Inlots 636 and 637 for about 159.5 ft.
86-89      11-21-89   24      400    Part of a 16.5 N-S alley between Inlots 3762 and 3763 running southerly off Euclid Ave.
43-90      8-21-90   25      47    16.5 ft. wide E-W alley between Inlots 678 and 680, running about 165 ft. from S. Spring St. to its intersection with a N-S alley 16.5 ft. wide between Liberty and Lucas Sts. and along lengths of above Inlots.
52-90      10-2-90   25      74    Vacates 20 ft. off the south end of unplatted N-S alley running northerly off Reid St.
2-95      1-17-95   27      153    Vacates 3 alleys:
                  (1)    12-ft. wide N-S alley on east boundary of Inlots 3120-3123.
                  (2)    15-ft. wide N-S alley on west boundary of Inlots 3055-3058.
                  (3)    167.6 ft. section of 50-ft. wide Union St. extending north from Fair St. on west side of Inlots 3086-3089.
4-96      1-2-96      27      398   Vacates southern portion of 16-ft. wide alley (N and S) between Inlots 2393, 2394, 2395 and 2396 (W), and Inlots 2389, 2390, 2391 and 2392 (E), running in a northerly direction off previously vacated former W-E alley formerly connecting Jefferson and Jackson Sts.
6-96      1-16-96   27      401    Vacates portion (120 ft. long) of 12-ft. wide W-E alley paralleling Songer Ave. between said street and E. Irving St. and extending east from the western end of subject alley, previously vacated, to subject alley’s eastern terminus at Wingert St.
108-96      12-17-96   28      154    Vacates portion of 16.5 ft. wide alley running E-W and paralleling Mary St. (between Inlot #32, Inlot #33 and Outlot #64).
27-98      5-5-98      29      86   Portion of 16.5 ft. wide alley running east, paralleling Mary St.; alley is between Outlot 64 and Inlot 34.
53-98      8-18-98   29      153    Harper Ave. from E. Warren St. N to Railroad St.
68-98      10-6-98   29      182    198 ft. of east alley S of Charles St. between Sandusky Ave. and S. Walnut St.
36-2000   5-3-00      30      168   14-ft. wide alley (N and S) between N end of Inlots 732-734, and part of Inlot 735.
48-2000   6-20-00   30      193    Amends Ord. 36-2000; to include part of Inlot 736.
41-2003   11-5-03   31      341    Hill St. from N. Sandusky Ave. west to Plant’s Way.
20-2004   6-1-04      31      495    120 lineal ft. of E/W alley (width: 12 ft.) between south end of Inlot 1340 and north end of Inlots 1341-1343.
30-2004   8-11-04   32      19   Entire alley r-o-w along E property line of Inlot 713 from N r-o-w line of Hill St. N to S line of first E/W alley.
31-2004   8-11-04   32      20    60 lineal ft. of entire width of alley along W line of Inlot 1760, from NW corner of Inlot 1761 N to S Line of Outlot 16.
15-2005   5-17-05   32      182   Portion of Inez St. (width: 33 ft.) from S line of Outlot 108 to N line of New York Central Lines RR.
36-2005   9-20-05   32      236   111 ft. of 12-ft. width alley (E/W) between Inlots 608 and 609 (N) and Inlots 603 and 604(S), from E r- o-w line of vacated Harper Ave. to NE corner of Inlot 604.
7-2006      2-21-06   32      314    111 ft. of 16-ft. wide alley (E/W) between Inlots 608 and 609 (N) and Inlots 603 and 604 (S), from E r-o-w line of vacated Harper Ave. to NE corner of Inlot 604. Supplements Ord. 36-2005.
44-2006   10-17-06   32      422    98.7 lineal ft. of 12-ft. wide alley running south from East End Way to the alley’s terminus (alley abutted by City Inlots 2061-2063, and 2074- 2076).
59-2006   12-19-06   32      455    A 12-foot alley running between Inlot 4087 and part of Outlot 277 from Martin Ave. south approximately 143 feet.
20-2008   4-1-08      33      183    A 123-foot alley running between Inlots 1344, 1413, 1414 and 1415 from Kearsley Street west.
24-2009   8-18-09   33      397    Alley beginning at Blicke Street along Inlot 1319 and ending at the westernmost property line of Parcel #08-00-14174.000.
45-2009   12-1-09   33      453    An alley beginning at the northern most property line of Parcels #08-00- 16405.000 and #08-00-16400.000 and ending at the southern most property line of Parcels #08-00-17152.000 and #08-00-17104.000 and being approximately 440.70 feet in length.
46-2009   11-17-09   33      444    Relinquishing the City’s right of way from a pin located at the southern most point of Rogers Street at its intersection with Charlotte Street extending 152.5 feet with a width of 66 feet.
27-2011   7-19-11   34      193    Alley being 166.3 feet in length and 15 feet in width beginning at Euclid Avenue between Inlots 3757 and 3758 and extending south to the property line of Inlot 3770.
53-2018   12-4-18         Vacating an alley 141 feet in lenght and 12 feet in width beginning at South Spring Street between Inlot 411 to the North and Inlot 415 to the South.