Ord. No.   Date       Volume    Page    Description
386      2-18-09    5        84   To F. C. Kingsb ury et al. for poles, wires, condui ts, subwa ys, for convey ing electric energy.
392       6-18-09    5        138    To Bucyru s Teleph one Co., for poles, wires and underg round condui ts.
463-A       4-5-10    5       297    To C. S. & C. R. R. Co., for street railroad.
640       9-23-13    6        247    To C. S. & C. R.R. Co., for electric street railway on Charles St.
646       11-18-13    6        265    To Postal Telegr aph Cable Co. for telegra ph lines.
943       7-6-17    7        315    To Ameri can Clay Machi nery Co., to lay tracks across Southe rn Ave.
1045       4-23-19    7        449    To the Central Power Co., for distrib ution of electric light, heat, power.
1046       5-27-19    7        452    To Bucyrus Develo pment Co., for supplyi ng water for 10 years.
1149       11-15-21    8        174    To J. P. Boyd, for steam and hot water system for 5 years.
1152       12-20-21    8        182    To J. P. Boyd, for hot water heating services.
1166       4-4-22    8        198    To Bucyrus Teleph one Co., for telepho ne system; amends Ord. 392.
1462       3-17-31    10        95    To P.O. & D. R.R. Co., to replace R.R. tracks across Warren St.
2703       10-2-62    15        159    To J. P. Carr, to install televisi on cables in streets for 10-year period.
28-66       9-20-66    16        76    To Crawfo rd County Cablev ision Co. to operate as Comm unity Antenn a Televis ion System .
29-66       9-20-66    16        80    To Direct Chann els, Inc. to operate as Comm unity Antenn a Televis ion System.
52-66       1-17-67    16        170    Revoking Crawfo rd County Cablev ision franchi se.
21-67       3-30-67    16        203    W. Percy, to operate ambula nce service for 5 years.
6-68       2-6-68    16        338    W. Percy, to operate ambula nce service for 5 years; amends Ord. 21-67.
16-68       3-19-68    16        364    W. Percy, to operate ambula nce service for 5 years; amends Ord. 21-67.
5-69       2-4-69    16        498    To Ohio Power Co., right to constru ct and maintain lines for the distrib ution of electric ity to the City and its inhabit ants.
12-69       3-4-69    17        16    W. Percy, to operate ambula nce service for 5 years; amends Ord. 21-67.
25-70       9-15-70    17        216    Regula tes Colum bia Gas of Ohio, Inc. natural gas rates for 4 years; repeals Ord. 22-66.
19-72       3-21-72    17        488    W. Percy, to operate Gold Cross Ambulance Service for 5 years.
38-73       7-10-73    18        250    W. Percy, to operate Gold Cross Ambul ance Service for 5 years; amends Ord. 19-72.
47-73       9-18-73    18        273    Mansfi eld Ambul ance Servic e, to operate an ambulance service for 5 years.
23-74       4-2-74    18        424    Rate adjust ments to Direct Chann els, Inc.; amends Ord. 29-66.
68-74       11-5-74    19        69    Regula tes Columbia Gas Co. of Ohio, Inc. natural gas rates for 4 years; repeals Ord. 25-70.
36-76       8-3-76    19        477   To Multi- Chann el TV Cable Compa ny of Mansfield, Inc., to operate a comm unity antenna television system.
57-78       10-17-78    20        364    Regula tes Colum bia Gas of Ohio, Inc. natural gas rates for 2 years; repeals Ord. 68-74.
58-78       10-17-78    20        367    Mansfi eld Ambulance Service, operating in Bucyrus as Byrd Ambulance Service, to operate an ambula nce service for 5 years.
84-78       12-5-78    20        424    Amends Ord. 58-78 relating to the posting of the required performance bond.
2-79       1-2-79    20        446,
                  447    To Multi-Channel TV Cable Co. of Mansfield, to operate as a community antenna television system,
33-79       7-3-79    21        22    Amend s Ord. 57-78, fixing and regulat ing prices charged by Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
35-80       8-19-80    21        238    Fixes and regulat es prices charge d by Colum bia Gas Go. for two years.
30-83       8-16-83    22        250    Amends Ord. 58-78 pertaining to charges, insurance and performance bond, and extendi ng the agreem ent for 1 year.
35-83       8-23-83    22        259    Fixes price for gas from Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc., after October 1, 1983.
27-84       10-9-84    22        397    Mansfield Ambul ance Service, operati ng in Bucyrus as Byrd Ambulance Service, to operate an ambulance service for 5 years.
39-86       12-4-86    23        273    Renewal to Multi Channel TV Cable Co., Inc. to operate and maintain a cable system; repeals Ords. 36-76 and 2-79.
37-87       9-8-87    23        417    Grants a cable TV franchise to Multi Channel TV Cable Co.; consents to proposed sale of stock to Adelph ia Communications Corp. by Multi Channel TV, transferring franchise.
6-89      2-7-89   24      230    Directs contract with the Ohio Power Co. for electricity for street lighting for 1 yr.
13-94      2-14-94   26      433    Directs extension of former franchise of Adelphia Cable Communications on day-to-day basis.
32-94      4-19-94   26      476    Regulates granting of nonexclusive cable TV franchise to Multi-Channel Cable TV Co. Inc. dba Adelphia Cable Communications Inc.
33-94      4-19-94   26      491    Consents to use of public right of way; grants cable TV franchise to Multi-Channel Cable TV Co. Inc. dba Adelphia Cable Communications.
Res.205-98   2-2-98   29      6    Approves transfer of cable TV franchise from Adelphia to Cablevision Industries Limited Partnership (CVI).