All BMPs are to be maintained according to the measures outlined within the O&M Plan and include the following:
(a) Written inspection reports summarizing the BMP(s) inspection observations and maintenance requirements are to be retained for at least three years by the owner of the stormwater management facility and available upon request by the City.
(b) Collected pollutants resulting from BMP maintenance activities shall be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal guidelines.
(c) The stormwater management facility owner shall make necessary repairs within ten days of their discovery as identified within the inspection reports or through a request by the City.
(d) Records of maintenance activities performed are to be retained for at least three years by the stormwater management facility owner and available upon request by the City.
(e) The stormwater management facility owner shall grant permission to the City to enter the property and inspect the BMP(s) whenever the City deems necessary. In an event of any default or failure by the stormwater management facility owner in properly maintaining the BMP(s) in accordance with the approved O&M Plan, or, in the event of an emergency as determined by the City, it is the sole discretion of the City, after providing reasonable notice to the owner, to enter the property and take whatever steps necessary to correct deficiencies and to charge the cost of such repairs to the owner. Nothing herein shall obligate the City to maintain the BMP(s).
(f) When stormwater drainage facilities and control structures are of a permanent nature the City may assume responsibility for such structures located within the corporation limits once they have been constructed and accepted by the City. Funding for the maintenance of these major facilities may be by assessment of property owners in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code.
(g) The maintenance of minor detention areas such as swales, etc. on individual parcels or lots in new subdivisions shall be the responsibility of the individual parcel or lot owners. Special provisions shall be written into the deeds for the individual parcels, or lots in new subdivisions so the owners are aware the parcels or lots are used for temporary stormwater storage. The City will require all of these stormwater drainage facilities and control structures to be designed to minimize maintenance costs. The property owner or owners shall provide all necessary easement and rights-of-way to the City in order to permit the maintenance and repair of the required stormwater drainage facilities and control structures.
(Ord. 24-2022. Passed 6-21-22.)