(a) The assurance of completion of the stormwater drainage facilities and control structures included in a stormwater management plan or drainage plan which has been developed and approved under this chapter shall be satisfied by furnishing of a one hundred percent (100%) performance bond or other satisfactory security. The City Engineer and Service-Safety Director shall approve the sufficiency of the bond and the Law Director shall approve the bond as to form.
(b) Storm drainage facilities and control structures that are being constructed as part of a subdivision subject to the subdivision regulations of the City shall be considered as an improvement. As such they shall be subject to the bonding requirements therein and this section of the Stormwater Management Regulations shall be waived. The value of the stormwater drainage facilities shall be included in the amount of the performance bond for the subdivision improvements.
(c) After completion of the stormwater drainage facilities, the control structures and the "as-built" drawings for both, same shall be inspected and approved by the Public Service-Safety Director or his designee prior to construction of the building or buildings.
(Ord. 24-2022. Passed 6-21-22.)