The Chief of Police, or his/her designee, shall preside as the Sergeant-at-arms at all Council and Committee meetings. The Sergeant-at-arms will carry out all orders given by the Council President or presiding member for the purpose of maintaining order at City Council/Committee meetings.
   (a)    Procedure.
      (1)    Unless the Sergeant-at-arms perceives an immediate threat of violence or destruction of property which requires immediate action, the following procedure will be used to remove a subject(s) who refuses to relinquish the podium or disrupts the meeting.
      (2)    Notice. The Council President will notify any speaker to end their time at
the podium or to cease any disruptive activity.
      (3)    First Warning: If any subject(s) fails to relinquish the podium or cease the disruption, the Council President will inform the subject(s) that they will be removed from City property by order of the Sergeant-at-arms.
      (4)    Second Warning: If the subject(s) fails to comply following the first warning, the Council President will then revoke the subject(s) right to remain in the meeting room and inform the person subject(s) that they will be subject to arrest for trespassing if they do not immediately and peaceably leave the room.
The content of this warning shall be "I inform you that your actions are inconsistent with the orderly function of this meeting and fail to comply with the lawful order from the Chair. I am instructing the Sergeant-at-Arms to have you removed from this meeting site, and if deemed necessary by the Sergeant-at-Arms, to remove you from this building.”
   (b)    Removal.
      (1)    If, following the warnings set forth in subsection (a) herein, the subject(s) fail to leave, the Sergeant-at-arms may remove the subject(s) from the meeting.
         (a)    The Sergeant-at-arms will first request that the subject leave the meeting. If the subject(s) leave, no further action will be taken.
         (b)    If the subject(s) does not immediately leave following the request of the Sergeant-at-arms, the subject(s) will be placed under arrest, physically removed from the premises, charged with criminal trespass and any other applicable violations of the law and immediately transported to the Crawford County Sheriff's Office.
            A.    A notice to appear, or criminal summons to appear for court at a later date shall not be issued in lieu of incarceration.
            B.    Subject(s) under the age of 18 shall be arrested and cited according to Bucyrus Police Department established juvenile handling procedures.
         (c)    Requests for assistance, including prisoner transport, shall be made through the radio dispatcher.
         (d)    If the Sergeant-at-arms needs to leave Council Chambers to process and arrest, the Sergeant-at-arms will request a placement from an on-duty supervisor and not leave until a replacement arrives, unless in the discretion of the Sergeant-at-Arms the delay caused by waiting for the replacement officer causes a more severe problem than having the meeting unstaffed for a short time.
         (e)    The incident shall be documented in an incident/investigation report which will be completed and submitted prior to the end of the arresting officers work day.
            (Ord. 22-2020. Passed 9-1-20.)