1195.04 LOCATION.
   Adult Entertainment Facilities are to be considered a conditional use in the GB District, and are additionally subject to the following conditions:
   (a)   No adult entertainment facility shall be established within 1,500 feet of any residence or district where residences are a permitted use.
   (b)   No adult entertainment facility shall be established within a radius of 1,500 feet of any school, library, or teaching facility, whether public or private, when such school, library, or teaching facility is attended by persons under 18 years of age.
   (c)   No adult entertainment facility shall be established within a radius of 1,500 feet of any park or recreational facility attended by persons under 18 years of age.
   (d)   No adult entertainment facility shall be established within a radius of 1,500 feet of any church, synagogue, or permanently established place of religious services attended by persons under 18 years of age.
   (e)   No adult entertainment facility shall be established within a radius of 2,000 feet of any other adult entertainment facility.
   (f)   No advertisements, displays or other promotional materials displaying specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas shall be shown or exhibited so as to be visible to the public from pedestrian sidewalks or walkways, or from other public or semi- public areas.
   (g)   All building openings, entries, windows, etc. for adult entertainment uses shall be located, covered, or serviced in such a manner as to prevent a view into the interior from any public or semi-public area, sidewalk or street.
   (h)   No screens, loudspeakers or sound equipment shall be used for adult motion picture theaters (enclosed or drive-in) that can be seen or discerned from public or semi-public area.