(a)   Minimum Lot Area. No minimum lot area is required in the GI or LIC Districts, however, lot area shall be sufficient to provide for all yards and distances as required by this Ordinance. Antennae, towers or similar structures as provided for in Section 1179.03 (c), shall be required to have a “clear area” around the structure not less than 100% of the height of the antenna or tower.
   (b)   Lot Width. All lots shall abut a public or private street and have adequate lot width to provide for yards and distances as required by this Ordinance.
   (c)   Side Yards. For any structure or service area within the GI or LIC Districts, the required side yard shall be not less than twenty-five (25) feet from any interior lot line.
   (d)   Rear Yards. For any structure or service area within the GI or LIC Districts, the required rear yard shall not be less than twenty-five (25) feet from any interior lot line.
   (e)   Maximum Lot Coverage. For structures and paved areas within the GI or LIC Districts, the maximum lot coverage shall be 90%. The remainder of the site shall be maintained or landscaped in natural vegetation.
   (f)   Distance from Residential Districts.
      (1)   For any land annexed to the City after the effective date of this Ordinance which is zoned into the GI District, no structure, service area or parking area shall be located less than 500 feet from any district where residences are a permitted use.
      (2)   For any land within the City as of the effective date of this Ordinance which is located in the GI district, no structure, service area or parking area shall be located less than 200 feet from any district whose residences are a permitted use.
      (3)   In no case shall any structure, service area or parking area in any LIC District be located less than 200 feet from any district where residences are a permitted use.
      (4)   In older developed areas of the City where existing platted lots within one (1) block of the subject property average less than seventy-five (75) feet in width, and industrial or business uses are located in close proximity to existing residences, the provisions of subsection (f)(1) through (3) above shall not apply. In such cases, the front, side and rear yards for such industrial and/or business uses shall not be less than the front, side and rear yards as specified for those residences.