(a)   Development Plan. A Development Plan shall be submitted by the applicant to the Planning Commission at the time of any proposed rezoning of property into the NB District, or for any new proposed use within the NB District. Such Development Plan shall show the layout of the site, including proposed structures, driveways, parking areas, vehicular circulation patterns, signage, and the methods proposed to address the proximity of the proposed use to any proximate residential property.
   (b)   Lot Area. No minimum lot area is required; however, lot area shall be adequate to provide the required parking and yard areas.
   (c)   Lot Width. No minimum lot width is required; however all lots shall abut an improved public street designated on the City Thoroughfare Plan as having not less than collector status. All lots shall have adequate width to provide for required parking and yard area.
   (d)   Front Yard Setback. The minimum front yard setback shall be the average of the existing adjacent commercial structures on the same side of the street and facing thereon within the same block. Where there are no adjacent commercial structures, the front yard setback shall not be less than thirty (30) feet measured from the street right-of-way.
   (e)   Side Yards. Fifteen (15) feet, unless adjacent to any district where residences are a permitted use, wherein the side yard shall be no less than thirty (30) feet.
   (f)   Rear Yards. Twenty (20) feet, unless adjacent to any district where residences are a permitted use, wherein the rear yard shall be no less than forty (40) feet.
   (g)   Additional Yard and Pedestrian Areas. Where new development in the NB District is located adjacent to a district where residences are a permitted use, the Planning Commission may require that at least five percent (5%) of the lot area, exclusive of parking areas and public rights-of- way, shall be devoted to landscaped yards or pedestrian space.
   (h)   Maximum Building Size. Individual uses within NB District shall have usable floor area of not more than 4,000 square feet, even if such uses occupy more than one building. Any single building containing multiple uses within the NB District shall have a usable floor area of not more than 12,000 square feet.
   (i)   Lighting. Lighting fixtures within the NB District shall be so arranged, shielded and directed so as to not shine directly on any adjacent residential property.
   (j)   Parking and Loading. Parking and loading requirements shall be as specified in Chapter 1189. In addition, parking spaces shall be designed to allow a minimum of five (5) feet between structure(s) and any parked vehicle.
   (k)   Landscaping. The landscaping of all parking and service areas is encouraged in the NB District. If side or rear yards are located adjacent to any areas where single-family or two-family residences are permitted uses, landscaping and screening shall be required in those yards.
   (l)   Trash and Garbage Control. All trash and garbage shall be stored in container systems which are located and enclosed so as to effectively screen them from view. The disposal of trash and maintenance of the area shall be the responsibility of the owner of the property.
   (m)   Outside Vending Machines. Freestanding vending machines located outside the primary or accessory structures shall not be permitted in the NB District.