(a)   Home occupations, subject to the provisions of Section 1187.03.
   (b)   Churches and similar places of public assembly, provided the seating capacity of the primary seating area is not more than 300 persons. (Ord. 7-2002. Passed 3-19-02.)
   (c)   Multi-family dwellings subject to the following conditions:
      (1)   Establishment of a Build-to Front Property line: The build to front line is the average front setback line of structures located on the block containing the proposed development.
      (2)   Consistent Height Requirement: The required height is no greater than plus or minus 25% of the average height of homes located on the block containing the proposed development.
      (3)   Side yard requirement: The side yard requirement is 6 feet.
      (4)   Off-street parking: In areas where there is no on-street parking, two off- street parking spaces shall be provided for each unit. In areas of the R-3 district, where on street parking is provided, the parking requirement shall be reduced according to the following table.
            Number of Units      Number of Required Spaces
               2               3
               3               4
               4               6
               5               8
               6               9
               >6         75% of the off-street requirement rounded to the nearest whole.
      (5)   In the case where an existing structure is to be modified to accommodate multifamily housing, the applicant shall submit engineered drawing, stamped by a professional engineer or architect. The plans shall clearly indicate fire protection between the units with a minimum of two hour fire resistance rating. (Ord. 21-2018. Passed 6-5-18.)