1163.01 PURPOSE.
   The R-3 District is established to provide for the continuance of single-family housing within the older portions of the City of Bucyrus, and the expansion of such uses at densities consistent with existing development, thereby encouraging private reinvestment and revitalization in such areas, and increasing the diversity of housing choice while maintaining adequate development standards.
   It is recognized that, since property in the R-3 District is likely to be located in the older areas of the City, and such areas likely to be characterized by patterns of mixed land use. Many of these mixed uses are the result of past development practices and would not be allowed under the provisions of this R-3 District. It is the intent of this Ordinance, and this district in particular, to protect and preserve the basic property rights of such existing nonconforming uses. Specific provisions are made for the continuance, substitution and extension of such use, pursuant to Chapter 1151 of this Ordinance and Section 713.15 of the Ohio Revised Code.
   The district can also be used to allow for new development in outlying areas of the City by meeting standards intended to promote the historic neighborhood character of such new development.