(a)   Lot Area. For residential uses, the minimum lot area shall be one (1) acre if the site is not served by central water and sewer, or such size as approved by the Crawford County Health Department whichever is larger. If the site is served by central water and sewer, the minimum lot size shall be 20,000 square feet.
   For all other permitted and conditional uses, the lot area shall be not less than five (5) acres.
   (b)   Minimum Lot Frontage. 150 feet frontage on a dedicated, improved street or highway.
   (c)   Minimum Front Yard Depth. Seventy-five (75) feet.
   (d)   Minimum Side Yard Width. Twenty (20) feet.
   (e)   Minimum Sum of Side Yard Widths. Forty (40) feet.
   (f)   Minimum Rear Yard Depth. Fifty (50) feet.
   (g)   Minimum Distance to Residential Structures not on Property. All agricultural operations shall be located on the lot so as to provide a minimum distance of 200 feet to any residential dwelling not on the property.
   (h)   Maximum Building Height. Forty (40) feet for buildings. Silos, windmills, or any other structure considered as an accessory use, may exceed this height provided such structures maintain a distance equal to their height to any adjacent property or zoning district.