An application for a zoning permit shall be signed by the owner or applicant attesting to the truth and exactness of all information supplied on the application. Each application shall clearly state that the permit shall expire and shall be revoked if work is not substantially completed within one (1) year. Five (5) copies of the application shall be provided. At a minimum, the applicant shall provide the following information:
   (a)   Name, address, and telephone number of the applicant.
   (b)   Legal description of property, as recorded in Crawford County Recorder's office.
   (c)   Existing use.
   (d)   Proposed use.
   (e)   Zoning district in which property is located.
   (f)   Plans and/or drawings drawn to approximate scale, showing the dimensions and shape of the lot to be built upon; the dimensions and location of existing and proposed buildings or alterations.
   (g)   Height of proposed buildings or alterations.
   (h)   Number and dimensions of existing and proposed off-street parking or loading spaces.
   (i)   Number of proposed dwelling units.
   (j)   In every case where the lot is not provided with public water supply and/or disposal of sanitary wastes by means of public sewers, the application shall be accompanied by an approval by the Crawford County Health Department of the proposed method of water supply and for disposal of sanitary wastes.
   (k)   Such other material as may be requested by the Zoning Inspector to determine conformance with, and provide for the enforcement of this Ordinance.
   Where complete and accurate information is not readily available from existing records, the Zoning Inspector may require the applicant to furnish a survey of the lot by a registered surveyor. In particular cases, the Zoning Inspector may reduce the submittal requirements for applications, when the scope and scale of the proposed action warrants.