The following requirements shall govern water supply improvements:
   (a)    Where a public water supply is reasonably accessible or required because of pollution problems, in the determination of the Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Engineering Department, the subdivision shall be provided with a complete water distribution system, including a connection for each lot and appropriately spaced fire hydrants. Public water distribution and public wells systems shall meet the requirements of the Ohio Department of Health as cited in Ohio R.C. 3701.18 to 3701.21, inclusive.
   (b)    Where public water supply is not available or not required, the subdivider shall supply acceptable evidence of the availability of water. The subdivider may be required to make one or more test wells in the area to be platted if such evidence is deemed not acceptable. Copies of well logs which are obtained shall include the name and address of the well driller and shall be submitted with the plat to the Commission.
   (c)    Individual private wells shall be located at least twenty-five feet from property lines; 100 feet from all tile fields and other septic tanks; 100 feet from all tile fields and other sewage disposal facilities; forty feet from streams, lakes, ponds and ditches; twenty feet from all cast iron sewer lines; and 100 feet from any vitrified sewer tile line and shall not be located within any areas of flooding. As a precaution against seepage, a watertight seal shall be provided around the well casing. Minimum lot sizes shall be in accordance with the requirements of the zoning district in which the subdivision is located. If no zoning is in effect, the minimum requirement of Section 1129.13(c) shall apply. In all cases where it has been determined by the Planning Commission that individual water supplies from private wells are not feasible, a public water distribution system shall be required. (Ord. 70-74. Passed 10-15-74.)