(a)   Each house trailer must front upon and its tongue point directly toward a dedicated street with either a minimum right of way of fifty feet or at least a twenty-six foot pavement width.
   (b)   Only as many house trailers shall be placed at one time upon any single platted inlot or combination of portions of several platted inlots or a portion of a platted outlot as reflected by the County tax duplicate as shall conform in each instance to a setback at its front of not less than thirty feet from the street property line and with not less than twenty feet of setback from the side inlot property line on each of the two sides and from the rear property line as well, and at the same time be at least twenty feet from one another except as provided below. Only so long as there remains a common ownership of two platted inlots, or parts thereof, lying side by side, neither of which alone will satisfy the various foregoing setback requirements, may a single house trailer be placed thereupon, or be permitted to remain thereupon, and then only if the house trailer in such case is located so as to straddle the common boundary line shared by the two parcels and positioned at the same time as to conform to all of the foregoing positions and setback requirements.
   (c)   For purposes of this section any parcel representing a subdivision of a platted outlot within the City shall be treated as an inlot, and as such shall accommodate the placement thereupon of but a single-house trailer which shall meet the foregoing front, rear and side setback minimum distance requirements, unless it shall be of such size as to legally accommodate more than a single house trailer in accordance with subsection (b) hereof.
   (d)   In computing these setback distance requirements, lean-tos, auxiliary rooms and similar accessories connected to the house trailer, but not including temporary porches and canopies which are open on two or more sides and constructed of fire-resistant materials, shall be considered as part of the house trailer.
(Ord. 101-97. Passed 12-16-97.)