The City Planning Commission as constituted with five (5) members comprised of the Mayor, the Public Service-Safety Director, the two presently sitting citizen members with terms expiring 12/31/2005 and 12/31/2006, respectively, and the presently vacant unexpired term expiring 12/31/2007, all as of the time of enactment of this section, shall remain in power, and shall be considered part of the administrative function of the City government. Pursuant to Chapters 711 and 713 of the Ohio Revised Code, such Commission shall consist of five (5) members: the Mayor, the Public Service-Safety Director, and three (3) citizens of the City. All members shall serve without compensation and shall be appointed by the Mayor and approved by Council for a term of six (6) years, except that those sitting members at the time of enactment of this section shall complete the term to which they were previously appointed, and the member to be appointed to the unexpired term expiring 12/31/2007 shall serve until the expiration of said term. Subsequent vacancies shall be filled in the manner as prescribed by law.
(Ord. 12-2004. Passed 4-20-04.)