(a) City Ordinance(s) may require, or may in the future require, construction of on-site stormwater management facilities to control stormwater quantity and quality in the event of development. Implementation of regional stormwater management facilities may, in some cases, render construction of on-site facilities unnecessary. For use in these cases, the City shall adopt procedures and standards to require developers of land to provide a one-time capital contribution toward construction of regional stormwater management facilities in lieu of construction of on-site stormwater facilities. Such one-time capital contribution shall not affect the obligation for payment of any Drainage Fee assessed pursuant to this chapter.
(b) The one-time capital contribution may be available to developments which meet the following conditions:
(1) An adopted drainage basin study has identified an area within which the stormwater management facilities normally required to be created on-site are unnecessary; and
(2) The development is located within an area so identified; and
(3) Implementation of regional stormwater management facilities required by the adopted drainage basin study is complete or under construction.
(c) For developments which meet the conditions specified previously in this section, the Director, upon review of the development plans, shall require a development agreement which shall be presented for final approval to City Council.
(d) The amount of the one-time capital contribution shall be based upon that percentage of the regional stormwater management facility capacity which is to be allocated to the development. (Ord. 62-2000. Passed 8-8-00.)