Any person filing with the Clerk of Council a petition requesting a vacation of any street or alley within the City shall, contemporaneously with the filing of such petition, pay to the Clerk of Council a fee as provided in Section 1143.09 which shall be used by the Clerk among other things as follows:
   (a)   In paying the newspaper in which the caption of any ordinance granting such vacation is published:
   (b)   In paying the Auditor of Crawford County, Ohio for the transferring of such land upon the tax duplicate of Crawford County, Ohio;
   (c)   In paying the County Recorder for the recording of such ordinance of vacation in the Deed Records of Crawford County, Ohio;
   (d)   In paying any and all other costs connected with the vacation of such street or alley.
      (Ord. 78-89. Passed 11-22-89.)