No building, place or lot where junk, rags, old rope, papers, bagging, old iron, brass, copper, tin, empty bottles, slush or lead, hazardous materials, or other refuse matter is bought, sold or stored shall be hereafter used, established or maintained outside the fire limits as described in Chapter 1305 of the Building Code, except upon the issuance of the license provided for in Section 707.03 , notwithstanding, any person using or maintaining a building, place or lot where junk, rags, old rope, papers, bagging, old iron, brass, copper, tin, empty bottles, slush or lead, hazardous materials, or other refuse matter is bought, sold or used, on or before the effective date of this section is entitled to be issued a license or renewal thereof upon compliance with all provisions of this chapter and upon payment of the license fee provided for in Section 707.04 .
(Ord. 20-2005. Passed 7-5-05.)