(a)    Definition. For the purpose of this section the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   "Dangerous animal" means any wild mammal, reptile or fowl which is not naturally tame or gentle, but is of a wild nature or disposition and which because of its size, vicious nature or other characteristics would constitute a danger to human life or property if it escaped from secure quarters. "Dangerous animal" also includes any domestic animal, reptile or fowl which because of its size or vicious propensity or other characteristic would constitute a danger to human life or property if it escaped from secure quarters.
   (b)   Prohibited Animals. No person shall keep, maintain or have in his possession or under his control within the City any of the following animals:
      (1)   Any animal which has been declared to be protected or endangered by the U.S. Department of Interior or the Ohio Revised Code.
      (2)    All poisonous animals, including rear fang snakes.
      (3)    Badgers (mellinae).
      (4)    Bears (ursidae)
      (5)   Beavers (castoridae).
      (6)    Canids, that is: wolves, foxes, coyotes, jackals and dingo.
      (7)   Civet (viverrines).
      (8)    Constrictor snakes.
      (9)    Crocadilians, that is: alligators, crocodiles, caiman and cavials.
      (10)    Eagles, hawks, owls (falconiformes).
      (11)    Edentata, that is: anteaters, tamanduas, sloths, armadillos.
      (12)    Emus (casuariiformes).
      (13)    Felids, that is: lions, tigers, leopards, cheetahs, jaguars, pumas, Iynx and ocelots.
      (14)    Game cocks and other fighting birds.
      (15)    Hyenidae (hyenas).
      (16)    Marsupials, that is: oppossums, tasmanian wolf, kangaroos, koalas and wombats.
      (17)    Muskrats (ondatra).
      (18)    Ostriches (struthio).
      (19)    Porcupine (hystricomorpha).
      (20)    Primates (nonhuman, that is: apes, monkeys, baboons, chimpanzees, gibbons, gorillas, organgutans and siamangs.
      (21)    Procunoids, that is: raccoons, coatis, kinkajous, ring-tailed cats, pandas.
      (22)    Rheas (rheiformes).
      (23)    Skunks (mephitinae).
      (24)    Squirrels (sciuridae).
      (25)    Sharks (chondrichthyes).
      (26)    Swine (suidae).
      (27)    Ungulates, that is: elephants, zebra, rhinoceroses, camel, lamb, caribou, antelope, bison, reindeer, deer, giraffe, hippopotamus, wild boar, gazelle and gnu.
      (28)    Water buffalo (bubalus).
      (29)    Wart hogs (phacocherus aethiopicus).
      (30)    Weasels.
      (31)    Wolverines (gulo gulo).
      (32)    Woodchucks (marmota monas).
      (33)    Canines(canidae) - cross-bred with wolves, coyotes, foxes.
      (34)    Any other dangerous animal. (Ord. 47-85. Passed 12-17-85.)
   (c)    Penalty. Whoever violates this section is guilty of a minor misdemeanor.
(Ord. 93-97. Passed 12-2-97.)