(a) Any dog wearing a valid registration tag, or other animal or fowl found running at large in violation of Section 505.03, shall be taken by the Bucyrus Animal Warden and impounded in a shelter designated as the Crawford County Humane Society Shelter, and there to be confined in a humane manner. (Ord. 27-92. Passed 4-7-92.)
(b) Within twenty-four hours or as soon thereafter as reasonably possible upon impounding a dog or other animal, the Animal Warden shall make every reasonable effort to notify the owner and inform him of the conditions whereby he may regain custody of the dog or other animal. (Ord. 25-73. Passed 5-1-73.)
(c) The owner shall be entitled to resume possession of any impounded dog, other impounded animal or fowl, except as hereinafter provided, upon payment of a fee of seven dollars ($7.00) per day or any part of a day, provided he presents himself at the Crawford County Humane Society Shelter before the expiration of three days following the attempt on the part of the Animal Warden to give the required notice provided for herein. Proof of ownership may include a license receipt, affidavit of a neighbor, a photograph or other suitable evidence.
Failure of the owner so notified to respond within three days of the giving of the written notice by the Animal Warden shall result in the issuance of a citation by the Animal Warden to the owner to appear in court to answer to charges of violation of Section 505.03, with the further provision that any dog, other animal or fowl remaining longer than three days following the issuing of written notice or of actual notice thereof, shall be sold, given to the Crawford County Humane Society or otherwise disposed of as provided by law.
In every case involving the running at large of any dog, a citation shall be issued by the Animal Warden to the owner to appear in court to answer to charges of violation of Section 505.03.
(d) A dog not wearing a valid registration tag found running at large in violation of Section 505.03 shall be taken by the Bucyrus Animal Warden and held for three days, after which time the dog shall be forthwith turned over and delivered to the Crawford County Humane Society Shelter. (Ord. 27-92. Passed 4-7-92; Ord. 81-98. Passed 11-17-98.)
(e) Any female dog or fierce, dangerous or vicious dog described in subsections (b) and (d) respectfully, of Section 505.03 found at large, shall be impounded by the Animal Warden and may not be redeemed by the owner until such time that redemption is authorized by any court having jurisdiction.
(f) Any animal impounded for being a public nuisance may not be redeemed unless such redemption is authorized by any court having jurisdiction.
(g) A record of all dogs or other animals impounded, the disposition of the same, the owner’s name and address when known, and a statement of any costs or receipts against such dog shall be kept by the Animal Warden and be furnished at least monthly to the Mayor.
(Ord. 25-73. Passed 5-1-73.)