(a)    All Food Trucks or Transient Business must keep the surrounding area immediately adjacent to the business clean and must dispose of all waste generation from the operation. Food Truck Operators/Employees shall not dispose of waste in City Waste Receptacles.
   (b)    No Food Truck shall discharge waste water, sewage, or grease into the city storm water or sewage drainage system.
   (c)    No Food Truck shall utilize loud speakers or other noise-making devices in such a way as to create a nuisance, or in violation of the City's Ordinances.
   (d)    Food Trucks shall take up no more than one parking space when granted access to City lots.
   (e)   Hours of operation for any food truck, transient business or temporary store, shall be from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m.
(Ord. 10-2022. Passed 3-7-22.)