No building, structure, or property shall be erected, enlarged, structurally altered, moved or improved upon in whole or in part prior to the issuance of a work permit.
   (a)   Fee. All application forms, when submitted, shall be accompanied by the nonrefundable permit fee established by Council.
   (b)   Applications. Applications for work permits are available in the Office of the Zoning Administrator. A completed application accompanied by all other applicable submission requirements shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator.
   (c)   Work Permits for Single-Family, Two-Family or Three-Family Dwellings and Structures Accessory Thereto.
      (1)   The application shall include the property number assigned by the City Engineer as set forth in Chapter 1335.
      (2)   When required by the Zoning Administrator, plans shall be drawn to scale and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and shall show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of the Residential Code of Ohio as set forth in Chapter 1329 and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
      (3)   Whenever a zoning certificate is required for the proposed erection or modification of a dwelling or structure accessory thereto, submission of such application shall be made simultaneously with submission of an application for a work permit.
      (4)   The Zoning Administrator shall review the submitted application and shall issue a work permit when he/she determines that the application complies with this Code. For applications requiring a zoning certificate, the work permit shall be issued upon approval of the application for zoning certificate.
   (d)   Work Permits for All Other Buildings and Structures. An application for all other buildings and structures not described in subsection (c) above, including, but not limited to, multi-family dwellings (with more than three units), community or institutional facilities, and commercial and industrial buildings or structures, shall have the following:
      (1)   Zoning approval required. Zoning approval, including approval of the development plan, conditional use(s) and/or variance(s) shall be obtained prior to submission of application for a work permit.
      (2)   Submission requirements.
         A.   The application shall include the property number assigned by the City Engineer as set forth in Chapter 1335.
         B.   A complete set of building plans, approved by the state of Ohio Department of Commerce, Industrial Compliance Division for compliance with the OBC shall be submitted with the required application.
         C.   Proposed grading plan indicating final grading of the site after completion of the building and/or structure.
         D.   Other plans, drawings, documentation as needed to indicate compliance with the construction standards adopted by the City of Bryan.
      (3)   Review.
         A.   The Zoning Administrator shall review the application for compliance with the submission requirements.
         B.   The Fire Official shall review the application for compliance with provisions related to fire prevention.
         C.   The City Engineer shall review the application to determine conformity to the grading and construction standards in effect in the City.
         D.   The C-3 Design Review Committee shall review all applications for buildings located in the C-3 District to determine compliance with the architectural standards and guidelines set forth for the C-3 District.
      (4)   Action.
         A.   If the application is determined to comply with the submission requirements and is approved by the City Engineer and Fire Official, the Zoning Administrator shall issue a work permit.
         B.   The Zoning Administrator shall keep one set of State of Ohio-approved plans and a copy of any change/addenda/ waiver.
         C.   Any future change/ addenda/ waiver issued by the State of Ohio Department of Commerce, Industrial Compliance Division shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator for his review and approval prior to the change/ addenda/ waiver becoming valid in the City.
            (Ord. 86-2005. Passed 12-19-05.)
   (e)    Fire Detection/Suppression Systems. All installation, enlargement or extension of such fire alarms, fire detection, or fire suppression systems shall comply with the requirements of the Ohio Building Code adopted by the City. Additionally all fire alarms, fire detection, or fire suppression systems shall be installed, tested, operated, repaired and maintained in accordance with the Ohio Fire Code adopted by the City.
      (Ord. 3-2010. Passed 1-25-10.)
   (f)   Work Permit for Moving. Applications for a permit to move a building over, along or across any highway, street or alley in the City shall comply with the following:
      (1)   The applicant shall complete and submit the application and accompanying information required by Chapter 1347 to the Zoning Administrator.
      (2)   Council shall review the recommendation of the Zoning Administrator at a public meeting and shall, in the form of a motion entered in the Council records, approve or deny the recommendation of the Zoning Administrator. In order to approve the recommendation of the Zoning Administrator, the motion shall have “yes” vote from a minimum of three members of Council.
   (g)   Work Permit for Sign. Applications for a permit to erect a sign shall comply with the requirements and procedures set forth in Chapter 1163 of the Planning and Zoning Code.
   (h)   Work Permit for Demolition. Applications for a permit to demolish a building shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator and reviewed by the City Engineer and Fire Official.
      (Ord. 86-2005. Passed 12-19-05.)