The following specific development standards shall be adhered to in the design and layout of any PURD.
   (a)    Setbacks from Existing Rights-of-Way. The setback of buildings, structures, parking areas and active recreation areas from an existing public street right-of-way shall not be less than 30 feet.
   (b)    Setback from Project Boundary. The setback of buildings, structures, parking areas and active recreation areas from any project boundary, other than a public street, shall not be less than 25 feet.
   (c)    Setback from Interior Street. The setback of buildings, structures, parking areas and active recreation areas from any proposed interior street shall not be less than the following:
      (1)    25 feet from the right-of-way of a proposed public street.
      (2)    20 feet from the pavement of a private street.
   (d)    Minimum Spacing Between Buildings. In order to ensure reasonable privacy and separation, individual buildings including terraces, decks and patios shall be separated by the minimum spacing set forth below. These distances may be reduced when the Planning Commission finds that adequate landscaping and screening is provided to ensure privacy between units.
      (1)    End Wall to End Wall: 15 feet.
      (2)    End Wall to Main Wall: 25 feet.
      (3)    Main Wall to Main Wall: 40 feet. However, when the main wall of one dwelling overlaps the main wall of a second dwelling, the minimum separation shall be 40 feet or equal to the length of the overlap, whichever is greater.
   (e)    Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to terms used in this Section.
      (1)    Main Wall. The outside wall(s) of a building, which contains the primary windows of any living, family or dining room.
      (2)    End Wall. The outside walls other than a main wall of a building, which may be blank or contain windows not considered to be primary windows.
   (f)    Minimum Setback for Interior Streets. Interior streets shall be located a minimum of 20 feet from a PURD boundary, except as necessary to traverse this required setback to provide access to an existing public street right-of-way.
   (g)    Lot Requirements.   
      (1)    Dwelling units are not required to be on lots. However, when lots for standard detached single-family dwelling units or sublots for single-family cluster or attached dwelling units are included as part of a PURD, such lots or sublots shall be of sufficient size and shape to accommodate dwelling units in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Section.
      (2)    The applicant shall depict on the development plan the maximum parameters, or building envelopes, to indicate where buildings shall be located, and shall demonstrate that such building location will be in compliance with the spacing requirements of this Section.
   (h)    Required Buffer. When attached single-family units are proposed as part of a PURD, a buffer area with a minimum width of 20 feet shall be located within the required setbacks from the project boundary specified in this Section and shall be landscaped in accordance with Chapter 1167.
   (i)    Resource Protection Regulations:
      (1)    All buildings, structures or land within a flood hazard boundary, as established by the City, shall be used, and buildings or structures hereafter shall be erected, altered, enlarged, repaired or rebuilt, moved, or designed to be used, in whole or in part only for a use listed below:
         A.    Outdoor recreational facilities including swimming pools, riding academies, playing fields, ball fields, courts, trails, and other similar recreational facilities;
         B.    Fencing that allows the passage of water;
         C.    Off-street parking areas accessory to the above uses provided that such areas are improved with pervious pavement materials, such as pervious asphalt, pervious concrete or combinations of geotextiles with sand, gravel and sod.
      (2)    Wetlands that are required by the Army Corps of Engineers or the Ohio EPA to be retained shall be protected by the following:
         A.    A buffer area having a width not less than 20 feet measured from the edge of the designated wetland. The area within this buffer shall not be disturbed and shall be retained in its natural state.
         B.    A minimum building and pavement setback of 35 feet, measured from the edge of the designated wetland.