The City of Brunswick shall have the special power to sell or lease real estate belonging to the City of Brunswick, when such real estate is not needed for any Municipal purpose. Such power shall be exercised In the manner provided herein:
a.   No contract for the sale of real estate belonging to the City of Brunswick, with the exception of paragraphs b. and c., shall be made unless authorized by an ordinance, approved by five (5) of the members of Council, and by the board or officer having supervision or management of such real estate. When the contract is so authorized, it shall be made in writing by such board or officer, only with the highest and/or best bidder, after advertisement once a week for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation within the municipal corporation, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. (Amended 11-4-80)
   1.   Council may determine that a transfer or exchange of property is appropriate and may consider exchange or transfer of property in reaching a determination as to the "highest and/or best bidder".
      (Amended 11-8-94)
b.   The City of Brunswick may, by ordinance, authorize the transfer and conveyance by deed of any real property, owned by it and not needed for Municipal purposes, to the Board of Education of the City of Brunswick, to be used as an athletic field, a playground for children or for school sites, upon such terms as are agreed to between the City of Brunswick and the Board of Education. When the property is so conveyed, it shall be under the control and supervision of the Board of Education.
c.   The City of Brunswick may, by ordinance, transfer, lease, or permit the use of any real property suitable for library purposes, to the Board of Trustees of any free public library, or any library association rendering free library service to the inhabitants of the City of Brunswick upon such lawful terms as are agreed upon between the City of Brunswick, and the trustees of such library or library association.
d.   The legislative authority of the City of Brunswick may authorize the lease of any real estate not needed for Municipal purposes to any organization, except religious organizations, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, or managing parks, playgrounds, theaters, public service facilities and hospitals, emergency care facilities, and recreation facilities, upon such lawful terms and conditions, in such manner as are prescribed by the legislative authority, without competitive bidding.