1462.14 FEES.
   (a)    Fees for the examination of the plans and permit application, the issuance of the installation permit, the original inspection and the issuance of the original and renewal certificates of operation for the construction, installation, reconstruction or alteration of any process, fuel- burning, refuse-burning or control equipment within the jurisdiction of this Air Pollution Code shall be as follows:
      (1)   Each unit of process or fuel-burning equipment.
Rated Input Capacity    Permit and Initial    Renewal
(BTU per hr.)    Certificate of Operation   Certificate
Less than 500,000      $10.00         $5.00
500,000 or more, but
less than 2,500,000       25.00         10.00
2,500,000 or more, but
less than 10,000,000       50.00         15.00
10,000,000 or more, but
less than 100,000,000   100.00         25.00
100,000,000 or more      200.00         50.00
      (2)   Each unit of refuse-burning equipment.
Primary Furnace    Permit and Initial       Renewal
Volume (cu. ft.)   Certificate of Operation   Certificate
Six or less         $5.00         $5.00
Over six but less than
fifty            20.00         10.00
Fifty or more, but less
han 100         40.00         15.00
100 or more          60.00         25.00
      (3)   Process equipment.
         A.   Process equipment requiring control by exhaust air ventilation in order to comply with the sections on prohibited emissions.
       Permit and Initial       Renewal
(scfm)      Certificate of Operation   Certificate
500 or less      $10.00         $5.00
501 to 5,000      15.00          5.00
5,001 to 10,000   30.00         10.00
10,001 to 25,000   45.00         15.00
25,001 to 50,000   60.00         20.00
Over 50,000      75.00         25.00
         B.   Process equipment requiring control other than by exhaust air ventilation in order to comply with the sections in prohibited emissions.
          Permit and Initial       Renewal
         Certificate of Operation   Certificate
Each piece         $15.00         5.00
Maximum fee for each
workroom         75.00         25.00
      (4)   Air cleaning equipment and appurtenances. A separate permit shall be required and shall carry the fees provided in subparagraph (a)(3)A. hereof for the process equipment for which it is installed.
      (5)   Other process equipment not included in the above schedule.
Permit and Initial        Renewal
Certificate of Operation   Certificate
   $15.00          $5.00
   (b)   The provisions of this section shall apply to all governmental units, unless the imposition and collection of fees are prohibited by law.
   (c)   No fee shall be demanded or collected under the provisions of this section for the required inspection of combustion devices installed or to be installed in any public or parochial school or any church in the City.
(Ord. 53-70. Passed 5-25-70.)