The lot, yard and height requirements in the C-N Neighborhood Commercial District are as follows:
   (a)   Front yard zone:
      (1)   Minimum front yard: 30 feet.
      (2)   Maximum front yard.
         A.   Major arterial streets as designated on the Thoroughfare Plan where right of way is less than 90 feet: 75 feet.
         B.   Major arterial streets as designated on the Thoroughfare Plan where right of way is 90 feet or more: 60 feet.
         C.   Other streets: 60 feet.
      (3)   Corner lots shall comply with the minimum and maximum for each street.
      (4)   See front yard zone standards in Section 1260.07.
   (b)   Minimum side yard width: 50 feet when adjacent to a residential district, on the side adjacent to the residential district only.
   (c)   Minimum rear yard width: 25 feet, except 50 feet when adjacent to a residential district.
   (d)   Maximum building height:
      (1)   Principally or conditionally permitted building: 35 feet.
      (2)   Accessory building: 15 feet.
   (e)   See also the landscaping requirements in Chapter 1282, including Sections 1282.05 Total Landscape Area and Section 1282.06 Specific Landscaping and Screening Requirements.
      (Ord. 116-05. Passed 12-12-05.)