Soil Series and Soil Mapping Units | Sewage Effluent Disposal (on site) | Sewage Lagoons | Homesite Location | Lawns, landscaping, and golf fairways | Streets and parking lots |
MAHONING 702 | Severe; slow permeability; seasonal high water table. | Slight on 0- 2% slopes. Moderate on 2.6% slopes. | Severe; seasonal high water table. Soft clay-like soils. | Moderate: moderately slow permeability; medium moisture supplying capacity and seasonal water table. | Severe: seasonal high water table and high potential frost heave and shrink-swell. |
TRUMBELL 701 | Severe: slow permeability; seasonal high water table. | Slight. | Severe: seasonal high water table with some ponding. | Severe: seasonal high water table with some ponding. Permeability is slow. | Severe: seasonal high water table. |
MAHONING 702 | Athletic Fields | Parks and Play Areas | Campsites and Tents | Sanitary Landfills and Cemeteries | Remarks: |
Severe: seasonal high water table and slow permeability. | Moderate: seasonal high water table. | Severe: seasonal high water table and slow permeability. | Severe: seasonal high water table; poor workability and traffic- ability of soil material when wet. | ||
TRUMBULL 701 | Severe: seasonal high water table and slow permeability | Severe: seasonal high water table with some ponding. | Severe: seasonal high water table and slow permeability | Severe: seasonal high water table; poor workability and traffic- ability of soil material when wet. |