For the purpose of this regulation, the following terms shall have the meaning herein indicated.
   (a)   “Brunswick” means City of Brunswick, its designated representatives, boards, or commissions.
   (b)   “Damaged or Diseased Trees” means trees that have split trunks; broken tops; heart rot; insect or fungus problems that will lead to imminent death; undercut root systems that put the tree in imminent danger of falling; lean as a result root failure that puts the tree in imminent danger of falling; or any other condition that puts the tree in imminent danger of being uprooted or falling into or along a watercourse or on to a structure.
   (c)   “Designated Watercourse” means a watercourse that is contained within, flows through, or borders Brunswick and meets the criteria set forth in Section 1238.04 of this regulation.
   (d)   “Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)” means the agency with overall responsibility for administering the National Flood Insurance Program.
   (e)   “100-Year Floodplain” means any land susceptible to being inundated by water from a base flood. The base flood is the flood that has a one percent or greater chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The 100- Year Floodplain shall be defined by the Federal Emergency Management Agency maps for the City of Brunswick.
   (f)   “Ohio Environmental Protection Agency” means the organization referred through this regulation as the “Ohio EPA”.
   (g)   “Ordinary High Water Mark” means the point of the stream bank to which the presence and action of surface water is so continuous as to leave an area marked by erosion, destruction, or prevention of woody terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristic. The ordinary high water mark defines the bed of a watercourse.
   (h)   “Riparian Area” means naturally vegetated land adjacent watercourses that, if appropriately sized, helps to stabilize stream banks, limit erosion, reduce flood size flows, and/or filter and settle out runoff pollutants, or performs other functions consistent with the purposes of this regulation.
   (i)   “Riparian Zone” means those lands in Brunswick that fall within the area defined by the criteria set forth in Section 1238.04 of this regulation.
   (j)   “Soil and Water Conservation District” means an entity organized under Chapter 1515 of the Ohio Revised Code referring to either the Soil and Water Conservation District Board or its designated employees.
   (k)   “Soil Disturbing Activity” means clearing, grading, excavating, filling, dumping, grubbing, stripping, or other alteration of the earth’s surface where natural or human made ground cover is destroyed and which may result in, or contribute to, erosion and sediment pollution.
   (l)   “Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)” means a facility at the end of the sanitary collection system which processes the influent waste, and discharges water to a receiving system, treated to the standards of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
   (m)   “Watercourse” means any brook, channel, creek, river, or stream having banks, a defined bed, and definite direction of flow, either continuously or intermittently flowing.
   (n)   “Wetland” means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions, including swamps, marshes, bogs, and similar areas. (40 CFR 232, as amended)
      (Ord. 19-06. Passed 4-24-06.)