(A)   (1)    If the municipality determines that facts exist for revocation of a permit, the municipality shall notify the permitee in writing of the intent to revoke the permit, including the grounds therefor, by personal delivery, or by certified mail. The notification shall be directed to the most current business address on file with the municipality. Within five working days of receipt of the notice, the permitee may provide to the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality, in writing, a response that shall include a statement of reasons why the permit should not be revoked. Within three days of the receipt of the permitee’s written response, the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality shall notify the permitee in writing of the hearing date on permitee's revocation proceeding.
         (2)   Within ten working days of the receipt of permitee's written response, the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality shall conduct a hearing at which the permitee shall have the opportunity to be represented by counsel and present evidence and witnesses on his or her behalf. If a response is not received by the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality in the time stated or, if after the hearing, the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality finds that grounds exist for revocation, the decision shall become final five days after the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality sends, by certified mail, written notice that the permit has been revoked. The notice shall include a statement advising the permitee of the right to appeal the decision to a court of competent jurisdiction.
         (3)   If the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality finds that no grounds exist for revocation of a permit, then within five days after the hearing, the chief of police or person appointed by the municipality shall withdraw the intent to revoke the permit, and shall so notify the permitee in writing by certified mail of that action and shall contemporaneously issue the permit.
   (B)   When a decision to revoke a permit becomes final, the permitee whose permit has been revoked, shall have the right to appeal the action to a court of competent jurisdiction. Upon the filing of any court action to appeal, challenge, restrain, or otherwise enjoin the municipality's enforcement of the revocation, the municipality shall immediately issue the permitee a provisional permit. The provisional permit shall allow the permitee to continue operation of the business and will expire upon the court's entry of a judgment on the permitee’s action to appeal, challenge, restrain, or otherwise enjoin the municipality's enforcement.