(A)   Any person desiring to engage in the business of solicitor within the town, as defined in this chapter, shall, before engaging in the business, file with the Clerk-Treasurer an application containing his or her name, address, the firm or corporation which he or she represents, the kind of goods to be offered for sale, and the length of time during which he or she desires to engage in the business. The application shall be accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of $250, executed by a surety company or by two responsible freeholders residing in the town, or in lieu thereof a cash bond of equal amount, conditioned upon the making of final delivery of the goods ordered in accordance with the terms of the order or failure therein that the advance payment on the order be refunded.
   (B)   Any person aggrieved by the action of any solicitor shall have a right of action on the bond for the recovery of the money, or damages, or both. In the event of a cash bond being deposited, the deposit shall be retained by the town for a period of 90 days after the expiration of the time the solicitor is authorized to engage in the business. Upon filing of the statement and bond and the approval of the bond by the Clerk-Treasurer, the Clerk-Treasurer shall issue to the applicant a certificate authorizing him or her to engage in the business of solicitor within the town during the time requested in the application.
(2011 Code, § 110.05) (Ord. 1978-4, passed 12-18-1978) Penalty, see § 10.99