(A)   Definition. The term FIREARM means any weapon which is capable of or designed to or which may readily be converted to expel a projectile with deadly force by means of an explosion.
(`92 Code, § 6-66)
   (B)   Shooting of firearms prohibited. No person shall fire or discharge, or cause to be fired or discharged, within the limits of the Town, any firearm.
(`92 Code, § 6-67)
   (C)   Exceptions. This section shall not apply to:
      (1)   Peace officers or soldiers in the discharge of their official duties and while in the exercise of reasonable care;
      (2)   A person using firearms in necessary self-defense;
      (3)   A person using firearms as a result of a threat to life or property from a noxious animal;
      (4)   Persons conducting private recreational shooting provided the following are met:
         (a)   They have been authorized to conduct recreational shooting on the property by the property owner;
         (b)   That the discharging of firearms is conducted 300 feet or greater from any structure on an adjoin property; and
         (c)   Shooting must be conducted with a safe backstop and/or in a safe direction.
      (5)   Persons conducting an indoor or outdoor shooting range who have first obtained the applicable zoning approvals, and authorization from the Chief of Police to conduct the same; and
      (6)   Shooting clubs conducted at a fixed place of business within the town and in such a manner that the activity does not endanger any person, provided the shooting club has first obtained the applicable zoning approvals, and authorization from the Chief of Police to conduct the same.
(`92 Code, § 6-68)
(Ord. 92-25, passed 8-27-92; Am. Ord. 2013-14, passed 6-27-13) Penalty, see § 130.99
Statutory reference:
   Weapons and instruments of violence, see I.C. 35-47-1-1 et seq.