(A)   The monthly user fee is uniform for all residential properties assigned one (1) ERU. The user fee for one (1) ERU shall be five dollars ($5). This user fee may be changed from time to time by the Town Council by ordinance.
   (B)   The monthly user fee for a non-residential property, combined residential/business property (that is not zoned in a residential district according to the Town's Zoning Ordinance), or a multi-family property with five (5) or more units (defined as non-residential) are determined using an ERU multiplier, which is calculated by dividing the total impervious surface area within the property by the base ERU of twenty- nine hundred (2,900) square feet. This method allows for the non-residential property user fees to be based upon the amount of impervious surface area within the property as compared to the amount of impervious surface area of the average residential property. For example, a non-residential property with thirty thousand (30,000) square feet of impervious surface area receives an ERU multiplier of 10.3 (30,000/2,900). The ERU multiplier shall be rounded to one decimal place and the minimum ERU shall be one (1). The ERU multiplier is then multiplied by the current fee for one (1) ERU to determine the actual user fee in dollars.
   (C)   Impervious surface areas shall be measured in the field or based on aerial footprint of impervious surfaces. Angled rooftops shall be measured as if they were flat. All impervious surfaces within the parcel boundaries of a property shall be measured, with the exception of those surfaces located within a road right-of-way. For multi-unit properties, all units within a single parcel and all impervious surfaces (such as parking lots and walkways) shall be measured and billed to the property owner. For multi-level or multistory structures (containing more than one (1) level), the footprint of the building and other impervious surfaces shall be measured and billed to the property owner.
   (D)   A reduction in the storm water user fee, or credit, based on specific qualifying conditions defined in this chapter may be available to utility rate payers. Utility rate payers must successfully complete any application process required by the Town to demonstrate compliance with this section.
   (E)   Credit procedures outlined in this chapter are not intended to be all-inclusive. Upon approval by the Storm Water Utility, storm water user fee credits may be allowed for circumstances not described in this chapter.
   (F)   Upon written notice, the Storm Water Utility may revoke a credit for good reason, including failure to meet credit conditions or failure to meet minimum maintenance requirements for BMPs.
   (G)   One-time credits may be issued for services provided to the Town by a rate payer. The rate payer shall present the proposed service to the Storm Water Utility for review and approval. A credit amount shall be determined and agreed upon per each service. The agreed dollar amount shall be credited on the utility bill one time when the service is complete. One-time services may include, but are not limited to, the following: a stream clean-up activity, developing a storm water brochure, printing/distributing educational information, or developing a storm water education video. If such activities or services can be quantified and can provide a storm water quality benefit, it may be considered for storm water user fee credits.
(Ord. 2006-28, passed 11-16-06; Am. Ord. 2012-19, passed 1-10-13)