(A) Setback. A setback line of three hundred (300) feet as set forth in the Zoning Ordinance shall be required at each public disposal site.
(`92 Code, § 6-98)
(B) Sanitary fill. Any and all materials considered food for rodents and insects, including tin cans and other receptacles for food, shall be disposed of daily in a sanitary manner by a sanitary fill, or by a method approved by the Town Council or its representative.
(`92 Code, § 6-99)
(C) Burning prohibited. No substance delivered to the public disposal area shall be disposed of by burning.
(`92 Code, § 6-100)
(D) Salvage removal. All salvageable material shall be removed from the disposal site at least once each week.
(`92 Code, § 6-101)
(E) Scattering of materials. Paper, cardboard, metal or other materials shall not be permitted to become scattered beyond the limits of the disposal site.
(`92 Code, § 6-102)
(F) Equipment and road. Any person engaged in the operation of a public disposal site shall have available at all times earth moving equipment of adequate size and capacity to satisfactorily operate the sanitary fill area. An all-weather road shall be provided by the permittee or licensee from any public highway to the trench or sanitary fill site.
(`92 Code, § 6-103)
(G) Consumption by animals prohibited. It is expressly forbidden to make garbage available for animal consumption at any public disposal site.
(`92 Code, § 6-104)
(H) Vermin infestation. Infestation of rodents and/or insects on the premises of a garbage and rubbish public disposal site shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
(`92 Code, § 6-105)
(I) Industrial wastes prohibited. No industrial wastes or sepsis shall be dumped at any public disposal site.
(`92 Code, § 6-106)
(J) Final cover. When the area is raised sufficiently, a final cover shall be placed over the surface to a depth of twelve (12) inches in such a way that it will blend into the surrounding terrain and be properly seeded to prevent erosion and seepage. The final surface shall be so maintained for a period of five (5) years by the holder of the permit.
(`92 Code, § 6-107)
(Ord. 17, 1967, passed 8-7-67; Am. Ord. 92-25, passed 8-27-92) Penalty, see § 51.99