A petty cash fund as prescribed by I.C. 36-1-8-3 is established by the Town Council in the amount not to exceed fifty dollars ($50) to be administered by the Park Board for the purpose of paying small or emergency items of the Department.
   (A)   The custodian of a petty cash fund shall use it to pay small or emergency items of operating expense. A receipt shall be taken for each expenditure made from the fund.
   (B)   The custodian of a petty cash fund shall periodically file a voucher, with all original receipts totaling the cash claimed expended being attached to it, so that the fund can be reimbursed for expenditures from it. Reimbursement must be approved and made in the same manner as is required for other expenditures of the political subdivision.
(Ord. 2004-39, passed 12-9-04)