Site development plan review and approval is required to ensure that the use and development of land as authorized under this chapter is undertaken in an orderly and proper manner to: further the public health, safety and welfare of our community; assure the availability of appropriate public and private services and amenities; and, for minimizing the adverse effects of such development.
   The design, orientation and location of open spaces, buildings, structures, signs and other improvements visible from public streets, places and ways has a material and substantial relationship to property values in the City, and the cost of municipal services provided thereto. Further, neighborhoods and commercial areas in other urban and suburban communities have deteriorated in the past by reason of the lack of planning, neglect of proper maintenance standards, and the erection of buildings and structures unsuitable to and incompatible with the character of adjoining areas, resulting in a reduction in property values.
   Therefore, it is the policy of the City of Brookville that these regulations be adopted to avoid and prevent deterioration of the function, character and appearance of the City and provide a favorable environment for residents and businesses, and to preserve and enhance property values and the general public value.
(Ord. 2004-06. Passed 8-3-04.)