21 See Chapter 1155 for additional provisions for commercial facilities.
   22 Special uses shall comply with all pertinent development standards contained in Chapter 1163.
   (a)   Lot Requirements.
(1)   Minimum lot area
7,500 square feet
(2)   Minimum lot frontage
60 feet
   (b)   Yard Requirements.
      (1)   Minimum front yard depth
         A.   Twenty (20) feet if frontage of lots is one hundred (100) feet or more, or if adjacent land is not built upon, or if buildings on adjacent lots have provided front yards of twenty (20) feet or more.
         B.   If frontage is less than one hundred (100) feet and if a building on an adjacent lot, or buildings on adjacent lots, provide yards less than twenty (20) feet in depth, a front yard equal to average of adjacent front yards is required.
         C.   Where a CB District is located in a block, a portion of which is residentially zoned, the front yard requirements of the residential district shall apply to said CB lot.
      (2)   Minimum rear yard depth
         A.   Where lot line abuts other business or industrial district lot lines-none, except as required to meet other provisions for loading, parking etc.
         B.   When lot line abuts residential lot line, see transitional requirements.
      (3)   Minimum side yard width
         A.   Where lot line abuts other business or industrial district lot lines:
      If fire resistive construction, building may be:
            1.   Set to the side property line, or
            2.   Set not less than four (4) feet back from side property line.
            (County Building Codes should also be checked.)
         B.   Where lot line abuts residential lot line, see transitional requirements.
      (4)   Transitional requirements. When said side or rear lot line abuts residential district lot lines, the minimum side or rear transitional setback distance shall be 20 feet in depth and provided with a landscape screen or wall as defined in Section 1155.01.
   (c)   Structural Requirements.
      (1)   Maximum building height   35 feet
      (2)   Size of establishment: Permitted office or commercial uses shall not exceed the floor area per individual use or business establishment shown in the following table. Such uses may be allowed to exceed the maximum establishment size subject to review under the special use provision in accord with Chapter 1163.
   The maximum establishment size for any special use shall be established by the Planning Commission and specified in the Special Use Permit for such use.
Maximum Gross
Floor Area
Medical and dental offices
2,500 square feet
Any combination of office establishments in a single suite of offices served by
common entries, utilities, reception areas,
or other services
5,000 square feet
Personal services
2,500 square feet
Retail services
5,000 square feet
   (d)   Parking and Loading Requirements. See Chapter 1159 for off-street parking and loading requirements.
   (e)   Signs. See Chapter 1161 for size and location of permitted signs.
   (f)   Supplementary Regulations. No zoning certificate shall be issued for a "CB" use, until the applicant shall have certified to the Zoning Inspector that:
      (1)   The business activity is open to the public only between the hours of 6:00 A.M. and 11:00 P.M.
      (2)   The business activity shall be conducted wholly within a completely enclosed building.
      (3)   The business establishment shall not offer goods, service, food, beverages or make sales directly to customers in automobiles, except for drive-in windows for pick-up or delivery and which will be provided with adequate driveway space on the premises for waiting vehicles.
      (4)   All business shall be of a retail or service character.
      (5)   No manufacturing, processing, packaging, repair or treatment of goods shall be carried on, except when incidental or accessory to the performance of services or the sale of goods to the public on the premises.
      (6)   All premises shall be furnished with all-weather hard surface walks of material such as bituminous or portland cement concrete, wood, tile, terrazzo or similar material, and, except for parking areas, the grounds shall be planted and landscaped.
      (7)   No noise from any operation conducted on the premises, either continuous or intermittent, shall violate the provisions of Chapter 1155.
      (8)   There will be no emission of odors or odor-causing substances which can be detected without the use of instruments at or beyond the lot lines.
      (9)   There will be no vibrations which can be detected without the use of instruments at or beyond the lot lines.
   Failure to comply with any of the above conditions by property owners or users will be considered a zoning violation appropriate for prosecution under the terms of this Ordinance.