(a)    The Municipal Manager is authorized to enter into written agreements with representatives certified under the provisions of Section 155.02 concerning wages, terms and conditions of employment; but such agreements will not be binding unless and until Council has accepted their terms by passing necessary legislation.
   (b)    The Municipal Manager is authorized to negotiate with an exclusive representative for dues deduction. If so negotiated, the Director of Finance is authorized to draw his warrant in favor of the organization for the amount of dues deducted periodically. The Municipal Manager is further authorized to promulgate or amend rules governing the deduction of dues from time to time whenever such action is deemed necessary or proper.
   (c)    Collective bargaining means that the parties shall meet at reasonable times and make every effort through negotiation to reach agreement on wages, and terms and conditions of employment. It is the intent of the Municipality that collective bargaining shall result in a collective bargaining agreement without the intervention of Council.
   (d)    If agreement cannot be reached, either party may report the apparent impasse to Council. In no event shall this be done earlier than thirty days following the expiration date of an agreement, or if there has been no prior agreement, thirty days after initial negotiations have commenced. If in Council's judgment, an impasse exists, Council shall appoint a fact-finder who shall, if possible, be agreeable to the bargaining representative and the Municipal Manager. This fact-finder shall hear the facts and reasoning of both parties, and make a report to Council, which report may be made public. If the parties are still not in agreement, Council shall consider the fact-finder's report and any testimony of the parties obtained at any hearing by Council or one of its Committees, and shall make a decision in the form of necessary ordinances. The fact-finder shall serve without pay unless provided otherwise either by agreement of the parties or by action of Council. (Ord. 1980-8. Passed 7-15-80.)