This section is prepared as a general statement of policy for connection to the water, sanitary sewer, and electrical systems of the town. Unusual or extra-ordinary service conditions may justify additional and/or alternative requirements.
   (A)   Provisions of sanitary sewer service are conditioned on the acceptance and usage of the town water and electric systems where such water lines and electric lines are within reasonable distance as determined by the town.
   (B)   Provisions of water service are conditioned to the acceptance and usage of the town sanitary sewer and electric systems where such sewer lines and electric lines are within reasonable distance as determined by the town.
   (C)   Provisions of electric service are conditioned to the acceptance and usage of the town sanitary sewer and water systems where such sewer lines and water lines are within reasonable distance as determined by the town.
   (D)   All sanitary sewers and water lines proposed for connection to the town system shall be constructed of the highest quality state-of-the-art materials, built with sound construction practices in accordance with the town’s typical construction guidelines and details, and “10 States Standards”, all to the acceptability of the Town Council or its authorized representative.
   (E)   Private sanitary sewers and water lines are not generally permitted. Connection may be allowed for such sewers per direction of the town.
(Ord. 5, 1998, passed 6-10-1998)