Prior to the approval of a final plat by the City Council, the subdivider must have agreed in the manner set forth below to install, in conformity with utility construction plans approved by the City Engineer and in conformity with all applicable standards and ordinances of the City of Brooklyn Park, the improvements on the site, as described in this section as follows:
   (A)   Monuments. Monuments of a permanent character as required by M.S. § 505.02, must be placed at each corner or angle on the outside boundary of the subdivision and pipes or steel rods must be placed at each corner of each lot and each intersection of street center lines.
   (B)   Streets and alleys. The full width of the right-of-way of each street and alley dedicated in the plat must be graded and improved. All streets and alleys must have an adequate sub-base and must be improved with an all-weather permanent surface in accordance with the design standards specified by the Minnesota Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction on file in the office of the City Engineer. Boulevard areas must be sodded including those areas under state and county jurisdiction.
   (C)   Curb and gutter. A concrete curb and gutter must be installed on both sides of each street dedicated in the plat.
   (D)   Water supply.
      (1)   Water mains must be provided to serve the subdivision by extension of an existing community system. Service connections must be stubbed into the property line and all necessary fire hydrants must also be provided. Extensions of the public water supply system must be designed so as to provide public water in accordance with the standards of the City of Brooklyn Park.
      (2)   In areas being platted for rural estate development with large lots, as specified in the zoning ordinance, individual wells must be provided on each lot, properly placed in relationship to the individual sewage disposal facilities on the same and adjoining lots. Well location plans must be submitted for approval to the Building Department.
   (E)   Sewage disposal.
      (1)   Sanitary sewer mains and service connections must be installed to serve all the lots in the subdivision and must be connected to the public system.
      (2)   In areas being platted for rural estate development with large lots, as specified in the zoning ordinance, individual on-site sewage disposal facilities must be provided for each lot, properly located with reference to the wells on the same and adjoining lots, and the disposal facilities on adjacent lots. The subdivider must have made and submit the results of tests to ascertain subsurface soil, rock and ground water conditions in such a subdivision. Plans for individual on-site facilities must be submitted for the approval of the City Engineer and the Building Department and must comply with all requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health.
   (F)   Drainage. The grade and drainage requirements for each plat must be established by the City Engineer at the expense of the applicant. Every plat presented for final signature must be accompanied by a certificate of the City Engineer that the grade and drainage requirements have been met. In an area not having municipal storm sewer trunk service, the applicant is responsible, before platting, to provide for a storm water disposal plan, without damage to properties outside the platted area, and the storm water disposal plan must be submitted to the City Engineer who must report to the Council on the feasibility of the plan presented. No plat will be approved before an adequate storm water disposal plan is presented to and approved by the City Engineer and City Council. The use of dry wells for the purpose of storm water disposal is prohibited.
   (G)   Landscaping.
      (1)   Two trees, balled and burlapped, must be planted or exist within the front yard setback of each newly created single family lot and must be at least two and one-half inch caliper as measured in accordance with the most current edition of American Standard for Nursery Stock. Two trees, balled and burlapped, of one and one-half inch caliper may be substituted for one of the required two and one-half inch trees. Trees must not be planted within public rights-of-way except by specific City Council approval.
      (2)   The city contains a number of cottonwood trees which are weed trees and which have a tuft of cotton hairs on the seed. These tufts of cotton hairs become airborne and float to other properties, fouling up air conditioning units and other mechanical devices which need to breathe, and are a general nuisance. Cottonwood trees or members of the cottonwood tree family which have these tufts of cotton hairs on their seeds must not planted in the subdivision or in the city, and the subdivider is encouraged to remove any such trees which are located within the subdivision.
   (H)   Traffic control and street signs. Traffic control signs pursuant to M.S. § 169.06 and street signs of standard design approved by the City of Brooklyn Park must be installed at each street intersection or at such other locations within the subdivision as designated by the Director of Public Works.
   (I)   Shorelines. Where a subdivision includes any portion of the shoreline of a meandered stream, or river, no less than 5 percent of the portion of the shoreline lying within a subdivision may be dedicated for use by the public along with sufficient land to allow access to a publicly dedicated street. This land may be a part of, or equal to, the percent of land or cash requirement per acre required for dedication as public land under § 151.071 of this chapter.
   (J)   Public utilities. All utility lines for franchised utility services must be placed underground and may be placed in the street right-of-way or adjacent easements. However, first consideration for the placement of all franchised utilities will be within easements along rear lot lines. Allowances are made for appurtenances and associated equipment such as surface mounted transformers, pedestal mounted terminal boxes and meter cabinets. All above-ground equipment associated with the provision of franchised utility services within newly created subdivisions must be screened from ground level view when such equipment is adjacent to and/or visible from a public right-of- way. Live plant material, which at maturity will provide the necessary screening, must be used for this purpose.
   (K)   Street lights. Street lights must be installed per city specifications at all intersections and at other locations as required by the City Engineer. The city strongly encourages the use of decorative lighting fixtures.
   (L)   Sidewalks. All plats with lots or tracts abutting on principal arterials, "A" or "B" minor arterials, Class I and II collectors, or commercial and/or industrial streets must have concrete sidewalks installed on both sides of the dedicated street right-of-way in accordance with city specifications. Sidewalks will be required on one side of the right-of-way of local streets where it is necessary to provide linkages to proposed or existing trail systems or sidewalks, resulting in a continuous pedestrian network within and between subdivisions. However, sidewalks will not be required on residential cul-de-sac streets which do not exceed 600 feet in length.
   (M)    Driveways. In all subdivisions the subdivider must provide concrete or bituminous driveways in accordance with the following standards:
      (1)   There must be installed a concrete or bituminous driveway extending from the back of the curb or from the edge of the service street to the garage floor or garage floor apron for each lane or lanes of vehicular access to the street. If a building permit is issued and no garage is to be constructed, the concrete or bituminous driveway must be completed to the depth of the front yard setback as established in the zoning code of the city.
      (2)   No curb or driveway opening into any public street may be made unless the aforesaid construction of concrete or bituminous apron is installed in accordance with the preceding subdivision.
      (3)   All concrete or bituminous driveways must be constructed in accordance with the city specifications and reference therein to the Minnesota Department of Transportation Specifications for Highway Construction. The plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Engineer.
   (N)   Walkways-pedestrian ways. Walkways must be incorporated into subdivisions for the purpose of enhancing pedestrian travel through and between subdivisions, to provide linkages to residential sidewalk systems and to enhance the quality of life through their value as residential and recreational amenities. Walkway locations must be determined by the City Council in accordance with these guidelines. Installation of a walkway should be completed by the developer prior to the sale of the abutting properties and designated on the approved plat as a walkway easement. Specifications for location and construction are as follows:
      (1)   Public walkway to a park or school must be provided at a separation distance of no greater than 1,000 feet from another existing or proposed walkway or sidewalk access. Exact distance is at the discretion of the City Council.
      (2)   Walkways must be constructed of bituminous or concrete material in accordance with city specifications.
      (3)   Fencing or shrubs will be considered at the discretion of the City Council.
      (4)   The unsurfaced area within the walkway easement must be sodded.
      (5)   The minimum corridor width for all trails and walkways must be at least 30 feet.
      (6)   Walkways must be maintained by the city in cooperation with the adjacent property owner unless otherwise agreed to as part of an approved conditional use permit development.
   (O)   Sodding of single family lots. All lots for new single family homes must be sodded from the public curb to the rear property line except as follows:
      (1)   In the R-1 District.
      (2)   Existing native plant communities. Existing native plant communities and ecosystems maintained in the natural state do not require sod. Native plant communities may be reestablished as a part of site development.
      (3)   Contiguous, undeveloped areas which have been disturbed during construction and are equal to or larger than one-third of the total size area must be seeded and maintained as a minimum. Disturbed areas less than one-third of the total area must be sodded and maintained. Within these undeveloped areas the following must be sodded: berms, swales, drainage ponds with slopes greater than four to one; and on corner lots all green areas in the yard abutting the public right-of-way from the front street curb to the rear property line and from the side street curb to the existing building setback.
      (4)   All open areas of the site not sodded or used as gardens must be planted with an approved ground cover. Ground cover must be planted in such a manner as to present a finished appearance and reasonably complete coverage within 12 months after planting with proper erosion control during plant establishment. Exceptions include areas designated as wetland, existing wooded areas or undisturbed areas containing natural vegetation, all of which must be maintained free of foreign and noxious materials as defined in Chapter 97 of this code.
      (5)   Landscape rock and mulch may be substituted for sod in shrub and flower planting beds and building maintenance strips.
('72 Code, § 345:64) (Am. Ord. 1984-447(A), passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 1986-501(A), passed ; Am. Ord. 1992-705, passed 9-14-92; Am. Ord. 2001-961, passed 11-26-01)