(A)   The Planning Commission and the City Council, in their review of the preliminary plat, will take into consideration the requirements of the community and the best use of the land being subdivided.
   (B)   The subdivision must conform to the adopted zoning ordinance and must be in substantial conformance to the goals and policies set forth in the comprehensive plan.
   (C)   The arrangement, character, extent, width, and location of all streets must be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, to reasonable circulation of traffic, to topographic conditions, to runoff of storm water, to public convenience and safety, and in their appropriate relation to the proposed uses of the land to be served by such streets. Wherever possible and necessary, the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions must provide for the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas. Where adjoining unsubdivided areas may be subdivided, the arrangement of streets in a new subdivision must make provision for the proper projection of streets into adjoining areas by carrying the new streets to the boundaries of the new subdivision at appropriate locations.
   (D)   No street dedications will be accepted which require a crossing of a railroad, collector street, minor arterial, or intermediate arterial unless sufficient land is dedicated to provide for approaches sufficient for grade crossing or safe intersections.
   (E)   Mailbox design. The subdivider shall submit design details and plans for mailboxes on all new residential plats. Mailboxes shall be similar in design and be architecturally consistent with homes in the subdivision.
('72 Code, § 345:43) (Am. Ord. 2001-961, passed 11-26-01) Penalty, see § 10.99