§ 151.043 MAP.
   The plat must contain an accurate map of the proposed subdivision at a scale acceptable to the County Recorder's Office which must show the information set forth in the divisions of this section which follow and meet the requirements of M.S. § 505.02:
   (A)   A boundary line survey including the measured distances and angles and the true distance and bearing between a known point on the boundary and the nearest official monument which must be accurately described on the plat. One permanent monument must be placed on one corner of any plat of four or more lots.
   (B)   The accurate location of all monuments.
   (C)   Accurate angular and linear dimensions for all lines, angles and curvatures used to describe the boundaries, streets, alleys, easements, areas to be reserved for public use, and other important features within the proposed subdivision. All linear dimensions must be shown in feet and hundredths of feet and all angles and bearings must be shown in degrees, minutes and seconds. The radius, angle of curvature, point of tangent, point of curvature and length of arc must be shown for every curve. No ditto marks will be permitted in indicating dimensions.
   (D)   All lots and blocks numbered in numerical order.
   (E)   All municipal, township, county or sections lines within the proposed subdivision.
   (F)   Identification and accurate boundaries of any areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use or for the exclusive use of property owners within the subdivision.
   (G)   The names of all streets and alleys.
   (H)   If the subdivision is a replatting or rearrangement of a legal subdivision, the original platting shown by dotted lines.
   (I)   Low land and water areas.
   (J)   A letter, certified by an engineer or surveyor, attesting to lot square footage.
   (K)   A 1:500 scale and a 1:200 scale mylar of each final plat must be submitted to the Director of Community Development prior to release of the final plat for recording.
('72 Code, § 345:31) (Am. Ord. 1984-447(A), passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 1988-596(A), passed 7-11-88)