(A)   The subdivider, within one year, unless extensions are granted by the City Council by resolution, after the approval of the preliminary plat, must file with the Director of Community Development, 15 copies of the final plat prepared by a land surveyor duly registered in the State of Minnesota. Failure of the subdivider to submit the final plat within those times designated by City Council resolutions will cause the preliminary and final plats to become null and void.
   (B)   The subdivider must also submit to the City Attorney, at the same time, an up-to-date certified abstract of title or registered property abstract and such other evidence as the City Attorney may require showing title or control of the land by the subdivider.
   (C)   The subdivider must have incorporated all changes or modifications required by the City Council, but in all other respects the final plat must conform to the preliminary plat.
   (D)   If the subdivider requests that any special assessments which have been levied against the property described be divided and allocated to the respective lots in the proposed plats, the Department of Public Works must estimate the clerical cost of preparing a revised assessment roll, filing the same with the County Auditor, and making such division and allocation, and upon approval by the City Manager of such estimated cost, the same must be paid by the subdivider to the Finance Department from the subdivider's escrow account.
   (E)   The required utility layout must be submitted by the subdivider to the City Engineer for the City Engineer's cost estimate. A copy of the City Engineer's report must be submitted to the Director of Community Development for the preparation of the contract required in § 151.089 of this chapter.
   (F)   The Director of Community Development, upon receipt of the final plat, must retain one copy of the final plat for the Director's records, and must:
      (1)   Refer 14 copies of the final plat to the Administrative Review Committee, who must review the final plat with respect to its conformance with the approved preliminary plat.
      (2)   Refer the current abstract of title or registered property abstract to the City Attorney for the Attorney's examination and report. The City Attorney's written report must be submitted to the Director of Community Development within 30 days of its receipt by the Attorney.
      (3)   Obtain a written report or statement from the Finance Director certifying the payment by the subdivider of all fees due the city pursuant to this chapter.
   (G)   The City Council must, by resolution, authorize the Mayor and City Manager to sign the final plat.
   (H)   If a report from the Director of Community Development indicates, in the Director of Community Development's judgment, there is a substantial deviation in the final plat from the approved preliminary plat, the City Council may determine if the submission represents a new plat. If the submission does represent a new plat, the City Council must deny the final plat and direct the subdivider to resubmit the subdivider's proposal following preliminary plat requirements.
   (I)   The subdivider must, if the final plat is signed by the Mayor and City Manager, record the final plat with the County Recorder or the Registrar of Titles within 180 days of the date of the Council resolutions approving the final plat, or within 180 days after the plat is considered approved by reason of the City Council's failure to act within the 120 day statutory period. Any plat not filed and recorded in accordance with this section becomes null and void.
   (J)   Changes, erasures, modifications or revisions must not be made in any final plat after approval has been given by the City Council and endorsed in writing on the plat, unless the plat is first resubmitted to the City Council and that body approves any modifications. In the event that any such final plat is recorded without complying with this requirement, the same is considered null and void and the City Council must institute proceedings to have the plat stricken from the records of the city.
('72 Code, § 345:10) (Am. Ord. 1977-248(A), passed 8-22-77; Am. Ord. 1984-447(A), passed 4-9-84; Am. Ord. 1992-705, passed 9-14- 92)