(A)   Where a trespass notice is issued by a tenant, who is not the property manager, the notice is effective only as to that portion of the premises over which the tenant is entitled to exercise control.
   (B)   No trespass notice will be effective for more than one year from the date of its original issuance.
   (C)   All trespass notices issued pursuant to this section must be properly served upon the person named therein as follows:
      (1)   Personal service documented by either a receipt signed by the person to whom it was issued or an affidavit of the issuer; or
      (2)   Where the person named in the trespass notice is arrested by a police officer for an act prohibited by state statute or city ordinance, the arresting officer may personally serve the notice on behalf of the property manager or tenant and so document that fact in the officer's official police report detailing the incident.
('72 Code, § 912:20) (Ord. 1993-727, passed 7-12-93)